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Dr. Felix Michel

Last modified Oct 5, 2020

Faculty of Informatics
Chair of Informatics 19
Software Engineering for Business Information Systems (sebis)    

Technische Universität München
Boltzmannstraße 3
85748 Garching bei München, Germany


mail icon felix.michel [at]


Office hours: by appointment


Felix Michel      Felix Michel       Felix Michel



Curriculum Vitae

Mr. Michel joined the chair for Software Engineering of Business Information Systems at the Technical University Munich in March 2015. He holds a M.Sc. Business Information Systems. During his studies he visited the Computer Science Department of the University of Helsinki and the Information Sciences Institute of the University of Southern California.


Research interests

Knowledge Intensive Processes

Web Technologies

  • NnodeJS (ES6)
  • React
  • AngularJS (4.x with TypeScript)
  • Webpack
  • MaterialDesign


Reserach Projects

Inteligent Contextual Email Client

Emails are the most common communication medium to communicate across enterprise boarders. Most email boxes contain a lot of knowledge, nevertheless the seamless integration to knowledge management tools lacks. The objective of this project is to provide intelligent contextual information related to emails and link them e.g. to task in third party systems and keep track of the progress. more here ...


TUM Living Lab Connected Mobility
The aim of this project is to deliver innovative contributions regarding the design, the architecture, and the scalable realization of an open, vendor independence digital mobility platform. This platform will be developed in a close cooperation with leading companies and will offer small and medium-sized companies a marketplace to develop and operate digital mobility services with substantial lower financial, organization and technical effort with the option of networking. more here ...


Partner On- and Offboarding
A key success factor for a smart-service platform is the establishment of an ecosystem of partners, who use the platform to provide highly attractive (cheap, innovative, secure, valuable etc.) data and services to their respective target users (individuals, companies, public administrations and communities). A well-known example is the Apple App Store. For the construction and maintenance of this ecosystem new partners and services have to be added dynamically based on a structured process (onboarding) and after terminating the use of the platform they have to be removed safely from the ecosystem (offboarding). more here ...


CONNECARE - Personalised Connected Care for Complex Chronic Patients
The ambition of CONNECARE is to co-design, develop, deploy, and evaluate a novel smart, adaptive integrated care system for chronic care management. This will save European healthcare organisations huge sums whilst improving patient outcomes. We lead the technical development of the Smart Adaptive Case Management Platfrom. more here ...


Refugee Volunteer Application
Within the last year many foreigners arrived in the city of Munich. The coordination effort to organize events for this people is enormous.  Many volunteers are willing to offer different actions to support refugees in the daily life.  E.g. visiting the cinema or doctor. Our aim is to develop a Volunteer Application that helps to organize events for refugees. After the creation of events volunteers are informed and able to register for certain events. more here ...


Social Infromration Modelling Plattform
more here ...




Term Level Title Type Role

WS 17/18 


Software Engineering in der industriellen Praxis



WS 17/18 


Master Lab Course Web Applications



WS 16/17 


Software Engineering in der industriellen Praxis



WS 16/17 


Master Lab Course Web Applications



SS 16


Web Application Engineering



WS 15/16 


Master Lab Course Web Applications



WS 15/16 


Software Engineering für betriebliche Anwendungen



SS 15

Bachelor & Master

Text Mining und Artificial Intelligence für die Zukunft des Rechts




Publications (reverse chronological order) 

[Mi20a] Michel, F., Holl P., Vargiu E., Gonzales-Gonzales M., Kelly J., Karagach M., Mariani S., Matthes F., Miralles F., Eaglesham J., Nakar S., Zambonelli F.: A Practice-proven Collaborative Purely Meta-model-based Adaptive Case Management Approach for Integrated Care, International Journal of Integrated Care (IJIC), 2020, Accepted but not yet published.
[Va20b] Vargiu E., Miralles F., Gonzales-Gonzales M., Cano I., Roca J., de Batlle J., Torres G., Ron R., Kaye R., Karagach M., Nakar S., Metting E., Leonie Jonker, Lahr M., Maarten M.H. , Mariani S., Zambonelli F., Matthes F., Holl P., Michel F., Kelly J., Eaglesham J.: Personalised Connected Care for Complex Chronic Patients: Results from the Connecare Project, International Journal of Integrated Care (IJIC), 2020. Accepted but not yet published.
[Va20a] Vargiu E., Gonzales-Gonzales M., Karagach M., Holl P., Michel F., Kelly J., Mariani S., Nakar S., Matthes F., Eaglesham J., Zambonelli F., Miralles F.: The Connecare ICT Tools to Support Integrated Care, International Journal of Integrated Care (IJIC), 2020, Currently under review.
[Mi19b] Michel, F.: A Collaborative Purely Meta-Model-Based Adaptive Case Management Approach for Integrated Care, Dissertation, Technische Universität München, Software Engineering for Business Information Systems, Munich, Germany, 2019, Currently in state submitted.
[Mi19a] Michel F., Rehm S.V., Matthes F.: Keep up With Care: Researching System Adaptability in Chronic Care Management of Elderly Patients, 27th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Stockholm and Uppsala, Sweden, June 2019.
[Mi18b] Michel, F., Hernandez-Mendez A., Matthes, F.: An Overview of Tools for an Integrated and Adaptive Healthcare Approach, AdaptiveCM 2018 – 6th International Workshop on Adaptive Case Management and other non-workflow approaches to BPM, Stockholm, 2018.
[Mi18a] Michel, F., Matthes, F.: A holistic model-based adaptive case management approach for health-care, AdaptiveCM 2018 – 6th International Workshop on Adaptive Case Management and other non-workflow approaches to BPM, Stockholm, 2018.
[AHM18b] Hernandez-Mendez, A., Michel, F., Matthes, F.: A Practice-Proven Reference Architecture for Model-Based Collaborative Information Systems, Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures – International Journal of Conceptual Modeling, Vol 13. 2018.
[V17] Vargiu, E., Fernàndez, J., Miralles, F., Cano, I., Gimeno-Santos, E., Hernandez, C., Torres, G., Colomina, J., De Batlle, J., Kaye, R., Azaria, B., Nakar, S., Lahr, M.H., Metting, E., Jager, M., Meetsma, H., Mariani, S., Mamei, M., Zambonelli, F., Michel, F., Matthes, F., Goulden, J., Eaglesham, J., Lowe, C.: Integrated Care for Complex Chronic Patients, International Journal of Integrated Care (IJIC), 17(5).
[FFM16] Faber A., Matthes F., Michel F.: Digital Mobility Platforms and Ecosystems, Technische Universität München, München, 2016.
[Gi15c] Gil Y., Michel F., Ratnakar V., Hauder M., Duffy C., Hanson P.: A Task-Centered Framework for Computationally-Grounded Science Collaborations, 11th IEEE International Conference on e-Science, Munich, Germany, 2015.
[Mi15b] Michel F., Gil Y., Hauder M.: A Virtual Crowdsourcing Community for Open Collaboration in Science Processes, 21st Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Puerto Rico, 2015.
[Gi15b] Gil Y., Michel F., Ratnakar V., Hauder M.: A Semantic, Task-Centered Collaborative Framework for Science, 12th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC), Portoroz, Slovenia, 2015.
[Gi15 a] Gil Y., Michel F., Ratnakar V., Read J., Hauder M., Duffy C., Hanson P., Dugan H.: Supporting Open Collaboration in Science through Explicit and Linked Semantic Description of Processes, 12th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC), Portoroz, Slovenia, 2015.
[Mi15a] Michel F., Gil Y., Ratnakar V., Hauder M.: A Task-Centered Interface for On-Line Collaboration in Science, 20th International ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI), Atlanta, USA, 2015.
[Mi14] Michel, F.: A structured task-centered framework for online collaboration, Master's Thesis, Technische Universität München, Software Engineering for Business Information Systems, Munich, Germany, 2014.
[Ha14b] Hauder M., Münch D., Michel F., Utz A., Matthes F.: Examining Adaptive Case Management to Support Processes for Enterprise Architecture Management, 9th Trends in Enterprise Architecture Research Workshop (TEAR), Ulm, Germany, 2014.
[Ro13c] Roth, S., Hauder, M., Münch, D., Michel, F., Matthes, F.: Facilitating Conflict Resolution of Models for Automated Enterprise Architecture Documentation, 19th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2013), Chicago, Illinois, USA, 2013.