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Dr. Pascal Philipp

Last modified Nov 8, 2024

Faculty of Informatics
Chair of Informatics 19
Software Engineering for Business Information Systems (sebis)    

Technische Universität München 
Boltzmannstraße 3
85748 Garching bei München, Germany

Phone  +49 89 289-17130
Fax +49 89 289-17136
Email pascal.philipp [at]


Room FMI 01.12.058
Office hours: by appointment





Curriculum Vitae

Mr. Philipp joined the Chair for Software Engineering for Business Information Systems at the Technical University Munich in January 2020. He holds a master's degree in Information Systems. During his studies, he spent a semester abroad at Newcastle University (UK) and gained work experience through internships at MHP – A Porsche Company, PricewaterhouseCoopers, and Deutsche Bank. He was also awarded a Software Campus fellowship (€100k), designed to support and develop future IT executives. Additionally, Mr. Philipp serves as the contact person at the Chair for the EXIST Business Start-up Grant, which supports students, graduates, and scientists in preparing innovative technology and knowledge-based start-up projects.


Research Interests

Goals and Metrics in Large-Scale Agile Software Development



[Ul22] Uludağ, Ö., Philipp, P., Putta, A., Paasivaara, M., Lassenius, C., & Matthes, F. (2022). Revealing the state of the art of large-scale agile development research: A systematic mapping study. Journal of Systems and Software, 111473.
[Ph22a] Philipp, P., Tobisch, F., Menzel, L., & Matthes, F. (2022). Toward a Metric Catalog for Large-Scale Agile Development, AMCIS: Americas Conference on Information Systems, Minneapolis.
[Ph22b] Philipp, P., Tobisch, F., & Matthes, F. (2022). Challenges and Success Factors for Metrics in Large-Scale Agile Development, AMCIS: Americas Conference on Information Systems, Minneapolis.
[Ph22c] Philipp, P., Schüll, M., & Matthes, F. (2022). Investigating the Establishment of Goals in Large-Scale Agile Development, PACIS: Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Taipei/Sydney Virtual Conference.
[Ph22d] Philipp, P., Tobisch, F., & Matthes, F. (2022). Investigating the Adoption of Metrics in Large-Scale Agile Software Development, PACIS: Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Taipei/Sydney Virtual Conference.
[Ph23a] Philipp, P., Tobisch, F., Menzel, L., & Matthes, F. (2023). A Method for Metric Management at a Large-Scale Agile Software Development Organization, MENSURA: 17th International Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement.
[Sch23a] Schüll, M., Hofmann, P., Philipp, P., & Urbach, N. (2023). Reporting in Large-Scale Agile Organizations: Insights and Recommendations from a Case Study in Software Development. Information Systems and e-Business Management, 21(3), 571-601. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.


Research Projects

Autonomous Company: The idea of this research project is to investigate how Artificial Intelligence and Big Data can be exploited to establish fully-automated software engineering project management processes, including project acquisition, agile project management, and project completion. This research project is performed in close collaboration with our project partner Motius GmbH. more here ...

AI-Supported Legal Review of Terms and Conditions to Strengthen Consumer Protection: The advancing digitization is increasingly influencing everyday work in so-called “knowledge-intensive” professions. Software that supports experts in dealing with legal texts and questions is often summarized under the term "Legal Tech". In theory, it can help make legal expertise available more quickly and cheaply, and hence making it more accessible, especially for consumers. In practice, however, the necessary technologies are often only available to commercial actors. The goal of AGB-Check is the development of innovative technologies that support legal knowledge workers in their efforts to represent the interests of consumer in the digital age better and more effectively. more here ...

Scaling Agile Development Processes in Large Enterprise Software Development Organizations: The project aims to enhance the effectiveness of scaled agile development teams working with SAP Commerce Cloud by introducing and implementing Jira metrics. This initiative will build upon existing research findings related to metric adoption in agile environments. The core of this project involves a structured, goal-based approach to selecting and applying relevant Jira metrics that align with the specific needs and objectives of the SAP Commerce Cloud teams. more here ...



Term Level Title Type Role
SS 23 Master  EAM Miniprojekte Seminar Advisor
SS 23 Master  Software Engineering for Business Applications - Master Course  Lecture & Projects Advisor
WS 22 / 23 Master Master Lab Course Web Applications  Lab Course Advisor
SS 22 Master EAM Miniprojekte Seminar Advisor
SS 22 Master Software Engineering for Business Applications - Master Course  Lecture & Projects Advisor
WS 21 / 22 Master Introduction to Large-Scale Agile Software Development  Lecture Organizer
WS 21 / 22 Master Master Lab Course Web Applications  Lab Course Advisor
WS 21 / 22 Bachelor Software Engineering betrieblicher Anwendungen - Bachelorkurs  Lecture Advisor
SS 21 Master Software Engineering for Business Applications - Master Course  Lecture & Projects Advisor
WS 20 / 21 Master LegalTech - Synergien zwischen Rechtstheorie und Software Engineering Seminar Organizer
WS 20 / 21 Master Master Lab Course Web Applications  Lab Course Advisor
WS 20 / 21 Bachelor Software Engineering betrieblicher Anwendungen - Bachelorkurs  Lecture Advisor
SS 20 Master EAM Miniprojekte Seminar Advisor
SS 20 Master Software Engineering for Business Applications - Master Course  Lecture & Projects Advisor