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Open Student Research Positions at sebis

Text Page in Sebis Public Website     studentische hilfskraft research hiwi

motivated students to join the team as student research assistants! We are currently involved in several exciting research projects, and for these we are searching for student involvement. In particular, research assistance is required in the areas of: Privacy, Privacy Compliance, and Privacy Natural Language Processing Research Within these research areas, your skills and expertise would be Software development + web application engineering As part of your role as a student research assistant

Paper titled Investigating the Role of Architects in Scaling Agile Frameworks by Ömer Uludag, Martin Kleehaus, Xian Xu, and Florian Matthes accepted at EDOC 2017

Text Page in Sebis Research News     scaled agile it organization conference research

on the role of architects in scaling agile frameworks /Sebis Research News/_/Paper titled conference,research,scaled agile it organization Text Page /Sebis Research News/_

Configurable Visualizations for EAM

Research Project in /Sebis Public Website/Research/Completed Research Projects/Completed EAM Projects     visualization eam research project ea research

Research Project Motivation Visualization are a common means to deal with the complexity faced in stakeholder-specific nature of EA visualizations, this research endavor targets to provide visualizations used during the decision making process. Demonstration $[media()$TriciaDemo.mp4$media]$ Research Model Matching to Configure Visualizations, 7th Workshop on Trends in Enterprise Architecture Research Website/Research/Completed Research Projects/Completed EAM Projects/Configurable Visualizations for EAM

Open HiWi Positions at sebis

Text Page in Sebis Student News & Student Positions     studentische hilfskraft research hiwi

Business Information Systems (sebis) is looking to expand its team of talented student research positions . Get involved in a number of our exciting ongoing research projects! Student research assistants research, creation of course materials, outreach, and day-to-day administration. Please consult the hiwi,research,studentische hilfskraft Text Page /Sebis Student News & Student Positions/_

System Cartography Tool

Research Project in /Sebis Public Website/Research/Completed Research Projects/Completed EAM Projects     eam research project research

Research Project Objective The System Cartography Tool SyCaTool (formerly known as SoCaTool) the focus of our research concerning maps as means for describing complex systems, the tool has , 2005. /Sebis Public Website/Research/Completed Research Projects/Completed EAM Projects/System Cartography Tool Not template related Show to the right of the text Hide Hide eam,research,research project Research Project Research area Enterprise Architecture Management Team members Dr. Sascha Roth

Semantic Analysis of Legal Texts

Research Project in /Sebis Public Website/Research/Completed Research Projects/Completed NLP Projects     project legal informatics laws semantic technologies compliance research

Research Project Motivation Legal compliance is a key factor for all kinds of enterprises. The (Francesconi, 2010). Research Questions The main research questions within this project address: How adapted to other (and similar) knowledge intensive domains? Acknowledgement This research project is funded by German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), EIT ICT Labs Germany, furthermore . 157–169). Berlin, New York: Springer. /Sebis Public Website/Research/Completed Research Projects

Trends for Enterprise Architecture Management and Tools survey launched

Text Page in Sebis Research News  last modified Dec 22, 2011 by Thomas Büchner.    eam research project survey research

Text Page The research team members Sabine Buckl, Florian Matthes, Ivan Monahov, Sascha Roth, and project site. /Sebis Research News/_/Trends for Enterprise Architecture Management and Tools survey launched Not template related Hide Hide Hide eam,research,research project,survey Text Page /Sebis Research News/_

ModelGlue - Federated Enterprise Architecture Model Management

Research Project in /Sebis Public Website/Research/Completed Research Projects/Completed EAM Projects     automated ea automated eam research project automation documentation ea research

Research Project Motivation Our empirical results show a lack of tool support for Enterprise prototypical implementation. Research Questions What is the status quo of EA documentation an EA model Research of information demands based on the type of EA endeavor Establish a cost Federated Enterprise Architecture Model Management. 10th Trends in Enterprise Architecture Research Configure Visualizations, 7th Workshop on Trends in Enterprise Architecture Research (TEAR 2013)

Scaled Agile IT Organizations

Research Project in /Sebis Public Website/_/Enterprise Architecture Management     eam research project agile ea research

Research Project Motivation Over the past two decades, agile software development methods have been : Ömer Uludağ ( Research Goal Identification and description of recurring challenges and best practices in scaling agile practices Research Questions Which scaling agile practices text Hide agile,ea,eam,research,research project Research Project Project end Research area

MAPL - Mapping of Application Landscapes

Research Project in /Sebis Public Website/Research/Completed Research Projects/Completed EAM Projects     research project research

Research Project Objective The goal of this project was to develop metrics and tools which help to , Projektarbeit, 2006. /Sebis Public Website/Research/Completed Research Projects/Completed EAM Projects/MAPL research,research project Research Project Partners Project start 2004 Team members Dr. Josef Lankes Dr. Christian M. Schweda Contact Prof. Dr. Florian Matthes Research area Enterprise Architecture Credit Suisse /Sebis Public Website/Research/Completed Research Projects/Completed EAM Projects

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