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Elena Scepankova

Last modified Jan 22, 2020
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Software Engineering for Business Information Systems
Chair of Informatics 19
Department of Informatics
Technische Universität München

Boltzmannstraße 3
D-85748 Garching bei München

+49 89 289-17100 or

Room FMI 01.12.057
Office hours by appointment




Elena Scepankova is a research student at the chair for Software Engineering of Business Information Systems (sebis) at the Technische Universität München since Oct 2016. She is a German lawyer, having studied at the University of Konstanz, Germany, and Cardiff University, UK. She has worked at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, at the German Federal Ministry of Interior Affaires and as a Junior Judge at the Administrative Court Stuttgart.

She supports the research area of semantic analysis of legal texts, network analysis in legal documents, and blockchain research (e.g., smart contracts). Within her research she cooperates with leading legal scientists and practitioners. More detailed information about this cooperation can be found on and She is involved in publishing at selected conferences in above mentioned research areas (e.g. IRIS).

Due to her main interest in changing law and legal practice by means of computational science, she is open to various interdisciplinary projects at the intersection of law and computational science.


Research Projects


Publications (in reverse chronological order)

[Wa17] Waltl, B.; Landthaler, J.; Scepankova, E.; Matthes, F.; Geiger, T.; Stocker, C.; Schneider, C.: Automated extraction of semantic information from german legal documents, IRIS: Internationales Rechtsinformatik Symposium, Salzburg, Austria, 2017 (nominated for LexisNexis best paper award)
[Wa17b] Waltl, B.; Bonczek, G.; Scepankova, E.; Landthaler, J.; Matthes, F.: Predicting the Outcome of Appeal Decisions in Germany’s Tax Law, International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP): Policy Modeling and Policy Informatics, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2017 (in print)
  Braun, Daniel; Scepankova, Elena; Holl, Patrick; Matthes, Florian
SaToS: Assessing and Summarising Terms of Services from German Webshops
INLG 2017 - Proceedings of the 9th International Natural Language Generation Conference [tbp]


Teaching (in reverse chronological order)


Bachelor & Master

 LegalTech - Synergien zwischen Rechtstheorie und Software Engineering   Seminar Advisor 
WS 16 / 17

Bachelor & Master

Synergien zwischen Rechtstheorie und Informatik Seminar Advisor


Student Theses