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Agile Project Management Tool Survey

Student Project in Sebis Public Website     agile project management scrum social software kanban kreativität group

about the foundations of group decision research. Relevant domains Agile management, social software group decision making Learn how to find, evaluate and structure different kinds of information Learn how right of the text Show below the text Hide agile project management,group,kanban,kreativität,scrum

Literature review on Group Decision Support Tools and Research

Student Project in Sebis Public Website     social software kreativität group creativity groupware

. The goal of this BSc/MSc thesis is to review the current state-of-the-art in the area of group about the foundations of group decision research. Relevant domains Social psychology, decision the student Familiarize herself/himself with the area of group decision making Learn how to find /_/Literature review on Group Decision Support Tools and Research Not template related Show to the right of the text Show below the text Hide creativity,group,groupware,kreativität,social software Student

Literature review on Group Creativity Support Tools and Research

Student Project in Sebis Public Website     social software kreativität group creativity groupware

digitalization, several group creativity support systems have emerged both in academia as well as group creativity support in literature and practice (e.g. software support). The student will learn how the student Familiarize herself/himself with the area of group creativity Learn how to find, evaluate review on Group Creativity Support Tools and Research Not template related Show to the right of the text Show below the text Hide creativity,group,groupware,kreativität,social software Student Project


Text Page in /Sebis Public Website     staff assistants overview group people members

Website/Team Not template related Hide Hide Hide assistants,group,members,overview,people,staff Text Page /Sebis Public Website