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Guided Research Philipp Heinemann

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Ableitung & prototypische Anwendung eines Vorgehensmodells für die...

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Master's Thesis Alexander Schneider

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modeled in a structured way in order to enable tool support? The goal of this thesis is to answer these questions. Therefore, the research method used for this thesis is action research, which enables . Blackwell Publishing, März 2004. /Sebis Public Website/_/Master's Thesis Alexander Schneider Not the text 2011,alexander,bmw,eam,master's thesis,masterarbeit,masterthesis,schneider,student project ,thesis Student Project Project Student Alexander Schneider Sebis Contributor Agreement signed on

Guided Research Björn Kirschner

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,guided research,java,language,student project,thesis Student Project Advisor Dr. Sascha Roth Supervisor Prof. Dr. Florian Matthes Thesis PDF finalGR_kirschner.pdf Final presentation slides 091213 Antritt

Open Topics

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Bachelors's Thesis Raffael Comi

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Master's Thesis Erdisa Subashi

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of this thesis is to investigate possible risks related to KPIs/KPI systems, and to suggest a method 517–528, 1998. /Sebis Public Website/_/Master's Thesis Erdisa Subashi Not template related Show to the right of the text Show to the right of the text Show to the right of the text 2013,eam,master's thesis ,masterarbeit,masterthesis,student project,thesis Student Project Copyright agreement required Yes Type Master's Thesis Title (en) Establishing KPI systems for Enterprise Architectures: Risks and

Master's Thesis Philip Achenbach

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one of the results of the thesis, requirements for a framework targeting the strategic planning of in detail in the thesis. Literature (Excerpt) [99] GERAM: Generalised Enterprise Architecture Architecture Management Functions Using a Method Base.” Ph.D. thesis. Munich, Germany: Technische Universität Modeling Languages Using Building Blocks.” Ph.D. thesis. Munich, Germany: Technische Universität Website/_/Master's Thesis Philip Achenbach Not template related Show to the right of the text Show

Master Thesis Jochen Graeff

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layers of an Enterprise Architecture (EA) and therefore gain a holistic view. This thesis aims to software component. /Sebis Public Website/_/Master Thesis Jochen Graeff Not template related Show ,java,masterthesis,microservices,sleuth,spring boot,student project,thesis,zipkin Student Project Type Master's Thesis Checklist filled Yes Sebis Contributor Agreement signed on Project Multi-Level Monitoring Visualization Student Jochen Graeff Start Date 1487113200000 Thesis PDF JGraeff_Thesis

Bachelor's Thesis - Stratgies to consolidate application landscapes

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a consolidation strategy. Content This thesis examines M&A events from the perspective of Website/_/Bachelor's Thesis - Stratgies to consolidate application landscapes Not template related Show to landscape,bachelorarbeit,bachelorthesis,mergers and acquisitions,student project,teaching,thesis presentation slides 1324249200000 Type Bachelor's Thesis Project EAM in the context of M&A Advisor

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