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Master Thesis Tobias Höfler

Last modified Apr 30, 2015


The purpose of this Thesis is to analyze, how realtime collaborative dataintensive web applications can be enabled with particular reference to serverside JavaScript.
First, a survey was conducted to analyze the role of server-side JavaScript in organizations. It turns out, that the general satisfaction with JavaScript is quite high and Node.js, a prominent example of server-side JavaScript, is already widely known. It is shown, that Node.js is typically used to implement web applications. The participants additionally confirm, that Node.js is already enterprise ready and that its importance will rise in future.
Furthermore, a collaborative editor is designed, that enables the collaborative editing of text and provides collaborative features like chatting or inviting other users to work collaboratively on the same document. It follows the principles of the realtime architecture, which is presented in this Thesis. It is shown, that this architecture is a good fit for enabling realtime collaboration. In addition, this design is implemented prototypically with technologies like Ember.js, Node.js, and share.js. At last, this Thesis describes approaches to enhance the collaboration to rich text and arbitrary models.

Files and Subpages

Name Type Size Last Modification Last Editor
abschlussPraesentation.pdf 916 KB 05.05.2013
abschlussPraesentation.pptx 436 KB 05.05.2013
MastersThesis.pdf 2,86 MB 21.05.2013