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Master's Thesis Maurice Laboureur

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, 2002. /Sebis Public Website/_/Master's Thesis Maurice Laboureur Not template related Show to the right of the text Hide Hide master's thesis,masterthesis,student project,teaching,thesis Student Project Thesis PDF Thesis Laboureur.pdf Title (en) Design and Implementation of a Framework for Adaptive Final presentation slides abschluss - laboureur v2.pptx Type Master's Thesis Copyright agreement

Master Thesis Christopher Janietz

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Public Website/_/Master Thesis Christopher Janietz Not template related Show to the right of the ,masterthesis,microservices,planningit,spring boot,student project,thesis Student Project Checklist Applikations Performance Monitoring. Advisor Dr. Martin Kleehaus Thesis PDF Christopher_Janietz _Master_Thesis.pdf Start Date 1523743200000 Supervisor Prof. Dr. Florian Matthes Title (en) Enhancing enterprise architecture models using application performance monitoring data. Type Master's Thesis /Sebis Public Website/_

Master's Thesis Annemarie Heuschild

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account, this thesis suggests a framework to manage change requests through workflows to address the changerequests and the change request life-cycle, the thesis continues with defining relations, actors framework resolves the gaps using one of the analysed products. The outcome of this thesis is a framework Please note, no kickoff presentation due to thesis abroad. Literature Bitzer, S. M. (1995) Technology. Non-Published Master's Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey. Deelman, E., Gannon, D

Master Thesis Patrick Schäfer

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represent even complex dependencies and relations in a clear way. /Sebis Public Website/_/Master Thesis project,thesis,zipkin Student Project Kick-off presentation slides schaefer-patrick-kickoff.pdf Type Master's Thesis Submission date 1510700400000 Student Patrick Schäfer Thesis PDF PS_Thesis_final

Master's Thesis Nikolaus Katinszky

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. This master’s thesis analyzes potential software tool support for collaborative EAM and evaluates Tool Survey 2008. Techn. Univ. München. München, Germany. 2008. /Sebis Public Website/_/Master's Thesis ,collaborative eam,eam,master thesis,survey,thesis,tools Student Project Copyright agreement - notification required No Type Master's Thesis Thesis PDF Ka14_Katinszky_Thesis.pdf Sebis Contributor

Bachelorthesis Regine Press

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Student Project Patterns and Reference Models - Two Sides of the Same Coin? Abstract This thesis is chapter of this thesis we collect definitions of patterns and reference models from literature and put below the text Hide 2011,patterns,reference models,student project,teaching,thesis Student Project Bachelor's Thesis Supervisor Prof. Dr. Florian Matthes Thesis PDF Bachelorthesis_Regine_Preuss.pdf

Bachelors's Thesis Raffael Comi

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Public Website/_/Bachelors's Thesis Raffael Comi Not template related Show to the right of the text Show below the text Hide bachelorthesis,eam,metrics,student project,thesis Student Project Supervisor studentischen Getränkemarkt Thesis PDF Co11a Bachelorarbeit Final .pdf Status completed Checklist filled No Type Bachelor's Thesis Submission date 1323644400000 Language Deutsch Copyright agreement required No

Master Thesis Pouya Aleatrati

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definition of governance structures is advisable. Thus, this thesis focuses on the evaluation of governance -specific processes • Relevant standards and policies This thesis intends to identify best practices online survey. /Sebis Public Website/_/Master Thesis Pouya Aleatrati Not template related Show to thesis,thesis,tricia Student Project Copyright agreement - notification email No Supervisor Prof. Dr . Florian Matthes Kick-off presentation slides FedEA_Thesis_v5.pdf Student Pouya Aleatrati

Master's Thesis Stefan Bleibinhaus

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Student Project Abstract This thesis discusses the architectural design and implementation of an wiki Tricia. The thesis starts with introducing the concept of hybrid wikis in more detail and implemented in this thesis. The chosen technologies used for its implementation are discussed. Among . The thesis closes with an overview of Trista's implemented features and shows possibilities on how Trista can be extended. /Sebis Public Website/_/Master's Thesis Stefan Bleibinhaus Not template

Bachelor's Thesis - Stratgies to consolidate application landscapes

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a consolidation strategy. Content This thesis examines M&A events from the perspective of Website/_/Bachelor's Thesis - Stratgies to consolidate application landscapes Not template related Show to landscape,bachelorarbeit,bachelorthesis,mergers and acquisitions,student project,teaching,thesis presentation slides 1324249200000 Type Bachelor's Thesis Project EAM in the context of M&A Advisor

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