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Open Student Research Positions at sebis

Text Page in Sebis Public Website     studentische hilfskraft research hiwi

motivated students to join the team as student research assistants! We are currently involved in several exciting research projects, and for these we are searching for student involvement. In particular, research assistance is required in the areas of: Privacy, Privacy Compliance, and Privacy Natural Language Processing Research Within these research areas, your skills and expertise would be Software development + web application engineering As part of your role as a student research assistant

MAPL - Mapping of Application Landscapes

Research Project in /Sebis Public Website/Research/Completed Research Projects/Completed EAM Projects     research project research

Research Project Objective The goal of this project was to develop metrics and tools which help to , Projektarbeit, 2006. /Sebis Public Website/Research/Completed Research Projects/Completed EAM Projects/MAPL research,research project Research Project Partners Project start 2004 Team members Dr. Josef Lankes Dr. Christian M. Schweda Contact Prof. Dr. Florian Matthes Research area Enterprise Architecture Credit Suisse /Sebis Public Website/Research/Completed Research Projects/Completed EAM Projects

EAM in the context of M&A

Research Project in /Sebis Public Website/Research/Completed Research Projects/Completed EAM Projects  last modified Feb 8, 2017 by Florian Matthes.    eam research project it transformation mergers and acquisitions research

Research Project News 23.01.2012: Call for participation Evaluation phase of D-Move - a detailed M&A research project is the collection and academic refinement of practical experiences in large IT . Research questions What are the typical transformation steps during a merger and what are their key Public Website/Research/Completed Research Projects/Completed EAM Projects/EAM in the context of M&A acquisitions,research,research project Research Project Partners Project end 2013 Status completed


Text Page in /Sebis Public Website     projects topics research areas overview sebis research

Text Page Current Research Areas and Research Projects Click on the links to learn more about the projects and research areas. Next-Generation IT Governance Scaled Agility in Large IT Organizations MEV Research Digital Credentials for Higher Education Institutions (DiBiHo) GAIA-X 4 Production Research Projects Click on the following links to view our Software Campus Program at TUM Completed NLP interested in our Completed Bachelor's and Master's Theses /Sebis Public Website/Research Not template

EAMML - EAM Method Library

Research Project in /Sebis Public Website/Research/Completed Research Projects/Completed EAM Projects  last modified Feb 8, 2017 by Florian Matthes.    eam research project research

Research Project Summary Organizations seeking to introduce an EA management function are typically , please register yourself in the system and click here. /Sebis Public Website/Research/Completed Research Projects/Completed EAM Projects/EAMML - EAM Method Library Not template related Show to the right of the text Hide Hide eam,research,research project Research Project Status completed Team Sponsors Bausparkasse Schwäbisch Hall BOC Deutschland Research area Enterprise Architecture

Software Campus Program

Text Page in Sebis Research News     industry partners nlp software engineering research blockchain

, representatives of some of the industry partners will be there to present their research focuses and get in -2024/. /Sebis Research News/_/Software Campus Program Not template related Hide Show below the text Hide blockchain,industry partners,nlp,research,software engineering Text Page /Sebis Research News/_

Completed SSE Projects

Text Page in /Sebis Public Website/Research/Completed Research Projects  last modified Feb 8, 2017 by Florian Matthes.    research project social software projekt archive research

Text Page $[embedSearch()$ {"presentation":{"type":"table","columnNames":["'Research areas "type":"Research Project"},{"hybridAttributeExists":"Status"},{"hybridAttributeValue":"Status ","textValue":"completed"},{"hybridAttributeExists":"Research area"},{"hybridAttributeValue":"Research area ","textValue":"Social Software Engineering"}]}} $embedSearch]$ /Sebis Public Website/Research /Completed Research Projects/Completed SSE Projects Not template related Hide Hide Hide archive,projekt

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