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Enterprise 2.0 Tool Surveys 2008 and 2010

Last modified by Florian Matthes Feb 8, 2017


This survey provides a detailed analysis of enterprise 2.0 tools' concepts and functionality.  This work contributes to a better understanding of this emerging family of enterprise applications, highlights strenghts and weaknesses of existing tools and identifies areas for further research and development.

The survey is also intended to help enterprises selecting a matching tool.


There is a growing market for integrated web-based platforms to support team collaboration and knowledge management within enterprises. This survey examines Enterprise 2.0 tools in detail and derives a unifying multi-dimensional classification and evaluation framework, the so called Services Catalog. For each dimension several objective criteria to characertize the functional capabilities of a given tool are identified. The identified services focus on the "out-of-the-box" functionality visible to the end-user. 

Based on this schema a detailed description of commercial and open source tools is provided.

Community support

In order to enhance this survey, we really appreciate all sorts of comments. It is possible to leave a comment on every page of this survey, so feel free to let us know what you think about specific tools, services, ratings or the survey in general.

If you are a practitioner of any of the tools evaluated please have a look at our ratings and give us feedback if you get the feeling that anything is missing or poorly evaluated.

Also let us know, if you wish to see a specific tool evaluated.

Survey Parts

We conducted the Enterprise 2.0 Tool Survey twice, in 2008 and 2010. The latter survey from 2010 originated from the Bachelor Thesis "Review and Extension of the sebis Enterprise 2.0 Tool Survey, Andreas Mirbeth".

Each survey (2008 and 2010) consists of two parts:

  • The Services Catalog, a detailed description of the evaluation framework and its services.
  • The Survey Result Matrix, the results of the evaluation with a screenshot gallery per tool (available on the tool pages of 2010), giving the reader a good summary of the capabilities and "look and feel" of a specific tool.


  • [Bu09n] Büchner, T.; Matthes, F.; Neubert, C.: A Concept and Service Based Analysis of Commercial and Open Source Enterprise 2.0 Tools. In: International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing, Madeira, Portugal, 2009 (PDF)
  • Functional Analysis of Enterprise 2.0 Tools - a Services Catalog
  • [Ne09a] Neubert, C.; Stecher, M.; Taing, S.: Enterprise 2.0 - Eine Typologisierung. In: Mensch und Computer 2009 - Workshop-Tagungsband, Enterprise 2.0 - Web 2.0 im Unternehmen, Berlin, 2009
  • [Ne09b] Neubert, C.; Stecher, M.; Taing, S.: Typology Approaches for Enterprise 2.0 Applications and Technologies. In: IWM / ZEW workshop, The potential of social software for knowledge creation and economic performance, Mannheim, 2009
  • [Mi10] Mirbeth, A.: Review and Extension of the sebis Enterprise 2.0 Tool Survey, Bachelor Thesis, 2010
  • [Da11] Dacka, P.: Funktionale Analyse von Enterprise 2.0 Werkzeugen - Erwartungen, Erfahrungen und Bewertungen aus Endbenutzerperspektive, Bachelor Thesis, 2011



  • Thomas Büchner
  • Florian Matthes
  • Andreas Mirbeth
  • Christian Neubert (project lead)