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ModelGlue - Federated Enterprise Architecture Model Management

Research Project in /Sebis Public Website/Research/Completed Research Projects/Completed EAM Projects     automated ea automated eam research project automation documentation ea research

design of Federated EA Model Management embracing a system and process design that facilitates the continuous integration of different (partial) models into one coherent EA model. Collaborative conflict prototypical implementation. Research Questions What is the status quo of EA documentation processes in organizations? Which productive systems contain relevant EA information? What data quality, w an EA model Research of information demands based on the type of EA endeavor Establish a cost

Multi-Level Monitoring Visualization

Research Project in /Sebis Public Website/Research/Next-Generation IT Organizations     eam research project agile ea research

agile,ea,eam,research,research project Research Project Acronym TUMLLCM Monitoring Project end