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Nektarios Machner

Software Engineering for Business Information Systems

Chair of Informatics 19
Department of Informatics
Technische Universität München

Boltzmannstraße 3, D-85748 Garching 

Phone    +49 89 289-18162
Fax   +49 89 289-17136
Email   nektarios.machner [at]


Room FMI 01.12.059

Office hours: by appointment


   Nektarios Profile Picture



Curriculum Vitae

Nektarios Machner joined the chair for Software Engineering of Business Information Systems at the Technical University of Munich in February 2020. 

He holds a M.Sc. in Information Systems from the Technical University of Munich.


Teaching (in reverse chronological order)

Term Level Title Type Role
SS 24 Master Software Engineering for Business Applications - Master Course Lecture & Projects Advisor
WS 23 / 24 Master SEBA Lab Course Practical Course Advisor
SS 23 Master Software Engineering for Business Applications - Master Course Lecture & Projects Organizer / Advisor
WS 22 / 23 Bachelor Software Engineering betrieblicher Anwendungen - Bachelorkurs Lecture Organizer
SS 22 Master Software Engineering for Business Applications - Master Course Lecture & Projects Organizer / Advisor
WS 21 / 22 Bachelor Software Engineering betrieblicher Anwendungen - Bachelorkurs Lecture Organizer
SS 21 Master Software Engineering for Business Applications - Master Course Lecture & Projects Organizer / Advisor
WS 20 / 21 Bachelor Software Engineering betrieblicher Anwendungen - Bachelorkurs Lecture Organizer
SS 20 Master EAM Miniprojekte Seminar Advisor
SS 20 Master Software Engineering for Business Applications - Master Course Lecture & Projects Advisor