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Burak Öz

Last modified Nov 17, 2024
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Faculty of Informatics
Chair of Informatics 19
Software Engineering for Business Information Systems (sebis)    

Technical University of Munich
Boltzmannstraße 3
85748 Garching, Germany

burak.oez [at]

Room FMI 01.12.056

Office hours: by appointment





I offer thesis supervision for motivated students. If you would like to propose a topic related to my research interests or get in touch to find a suitable one, please send me an e-mail with your CV and transcript of records attached.

Currently, I don't have an opening for supervision.

Curriculum Vitae

Burak Öz is a research associate at the chair of Software Engineering for Business Information Systems at TU Munich since August 2021. He holds a master's degree in Informatics from TU Munich. During his master's studies, he developed a geographical visualization tool for the FUEL bidding language which is used in the paper "Taming the Communication and Computation Complexity of Combinatorial Auctions: The FUEL Bid Language" by Bichler et al. (2022). In his master's thesis, Mr. Öz analyzed the effects of dynamic road pricing on congestion and travel demand using MATSim. He acquired his bachelor's degree in Information Systems Engineering from a dual-diploma program between Istanbul Technical University (Turkey) and Binghamton University, SUNY (NY, USA).



Research Interests

  • Blockchain Economics
  • Maximal Extractable Value (MEV)
  • The Latest in DeFi (TLDR) Research Fellow (2023)
  • Articles on MEV, Ethereum, and AMMs



Research Projects


Composable Finance - Cross-Domain MEV Research
This research initiative aims to establish a methodology for detecting cross-domain value extraction activity and, through historical data analysis, observe adopted pricing strategies and generate a valuation model for cross-domain transaction bundles that optimizes cross-domain MEV extraction. The outcome of this work will lead to a greater understanding of MEV extraction processes in cross-domain settings, further providing optimizations for this extraction. more here ...


Algorand Centres of Excellence (ACE) - SUPPRA
In an increasingly interconnected world with mutually distrustfulor partially distrustful stakeholders, the implementation of a robust and high-performance transaction and smart contract systems has grown in importance. Consequently, providing appropriate Security, Performance, and Usability characteristics is a key requirement for novel DLT and blockchain technologies. more here ...


GAIA-X 4 Production, After-Sales and PLC - Across Automated Driving
The Gaia-X project aims to build a federated data infrastructure for Europe. As part of the GAIA-X 4 Future Mobility project family, this project focuses on the secure implementation of digital twins for the automotive sector in the context of automated driving through an open distributed data ecosystem (ODDE). Spanning the entire product lifecycle, these twins are envisioned to improve product verification, validation, and update strategies. more here ...


Autonomous Company
The idea of this research project is to investigate how Artificial Intelligence and Big Data can be exploited to establish fully-automated software engineering project management processes, including project acquisition, agile project management, and project completion. This research project is performed in close collaboration with our project partner Motius GmbH. more here ...



Term Level Title Type Role
WS 24/25 Master SEBA Lab Course Practical lab course Advisor
SS 24 Master Blockchain-based Systems Engineering Lecture Organizer
WS 23/24 Master SEBA Lab Course Practical lab course Advisor
SS 23 Master Blockchain-based Systems Engineering Lecture Organizer
WS 22/23 Master SEBA Lab Course Practical lab course Advisor
SS 22 Master Blockchain-based Systems Engineering Lecture Organizer
SS 22 Master Software Engineering for Business Applications - Master Course Lecture & Projects Advisor
WS 21/22 Master Advanced Topics of Software Engineering Lecture & Exercise Advisor
WS 21/22 Master SEBA Lab Course Practical lab course Advisor


Publications & Articles


Burak Öz, Danning Sui, Thomas Thiery, and Florian Matthes. Who Wins Ethereum Block Building Auctions and Why?. In 6th Conference on Advances in Financial Technologies (AFT 2024). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 316, pp. 22:1-22:25, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2024)


B. Öz, J. Gebele, P. Singh, F. Rezabek and F. Matthes, "Playing the MEV Game on a First-Come-First-Served Blockchain," 2024 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC), Dublin, Ireland, 2024, pp. 220-224, doi: 10.1109/ICBC59979.2024.10634397.


Burak Öz, Filip Rezabek, Jonas Gebele, Felix Hoops, and Florian Matthes. 2024. A Study of MEV Extraction Techniques on a First-Come-First-Served Blockchain. In Proceedings of the 39th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC '24). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 288–297.


Öz, B.; Gebele, J.; Matthes, F.: Detecting Arbitrages on a First-Come-First-Served Blockchain. Poster presented at the CfC St. Moritz Academic Research Track 2024, St. Moritz, Switzerland, 2024.


Burak Öz, Benjamin Kraner, Nicolò Vallarano, Bingle Stegmann Kruger, Florian Matthes, and Claudio Juan Tessone. 2023. Time Moves Faster When There is Nothing You Anticipate: The Role of Time in MEV Rewards. In Proceedings of the 2023 Workshop on Decentralized Finance and Security (DeFi '23). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1–8.


Öz, B., & Hoops, F. (2024). Systematization of knowledge: the advent of a new incentive, maximal extractable value. In The Elgar Companion to Decentralized Finance, Digital Assets, and Blockchain Technologies (pp. 241-264). Edward Elgar Publishing.


Öz, B.: Die Kosten der Automated Market Makers. BSDEX. 2022.

Note: As BSDEX Academy is no more active, the hyperlink is redirected to my github repo for the article.

Öz, B.: Auf dem Weg in die Zukunft von Ethereum mit Proof-of-Stake. BSDEX. 2022.

Note: As BSDEX Academy is no more active, the hyperlink is redirected to my github repo for the article.

Öz, B.: Der Wert von Informationen in Blockchains: Maximal Extractable Value (MEV). BSDEX. 2022.

Note: As BSDEX Academy is no more active, the hyperlink is redirected to my github repo for the article.

Öz, B.: Analyzing Effects of Road Pricing on Travel Demand using MATSim
Master's Thesis: Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany, 2021.


Talks & Presentations

"Who Wins Ethereum Block Building Auctions and Why?", November 14th 2024, Devcon SEA
"Who Wins Ethereum Block Building Auctions and Why?", September 13th 2024, TUM Blockchain Conference
"DeFi 101: A First Look at Decentralized Finance and the Phenomenon of Maximal Extractable Value", September 13th 2024, TUM Blockchain Conference
"Who Wins Ethereum Block Building Auctions and Why?", August 6th 2024, The MEV Workshop at the Science of Blockchain Conference 2024 (MEV-SBC '24)
"Who Wins Ethereum Block Building Auctions and Why?", May 17th 2024, The Latest in DeFi Research (TLDR) Conference 2024
"A First Look at DeFi and the Phenomenon of MEV", March 22nd 2024, TUM Blockchain Club Bootcamp
"The Value of Information and the MEV Supply Chain", September 23rd 2023, TUM Blockchain Conference
"Foundations of Smart Contract Development: An Introduction to Solidity and Remix", September 22nd 2023, TUM Blockchain Conference
"Intro Solidity and Remix: Your First Smart Contract", August 11th 2023, ETHMunich
"A First Study of MEV on an Up-and-Coming Blockchain: Algorand", May 11th-12th 2023, TUM Blockchain Salon, Recording
"What does “The Merge” mean for Ethereum?", November 10th 2022, Blockchain-Stammtisch Donnersblock


Co-supervised Theses

Assessment of Transactions Ordering of First-Come-First-Serve Blockchains in the Wild, Master's Thesis (Aleksandar Vasilev), with Filip Rezabek and Kilian Glas (TUM I8)
Assessment of Maximal Extractable Value (MEV) Mitigation Techniques, Master's Thesis (Ali Sabbagh), with Filip Rezabek (TUM I8)