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API Economy - API Management Patterns for Public, Partner, and Group APIs

Last modified Jan 27, 2022

Motivation & Goal

An Application Programming Interface (API) is a machine-readable interface through which IT applications or data repositories make their functionality or data accessible to another authorized application or machine.1 Traditionally, APIs were used to integrate applications within an organization2, but due to the advancements in Web-Technologies (Web-APIs, Cloud), more and more organizations open their APIs to specific external partners or interested software-developers via the internet3.

Opening up APIs has led to a range of new business models, which in turn created a new market with complex relations. This new market is summarized under the term the API Economy. The API Economy plays an important role within the digitalization of todays world, since APIs are transformed into a digital product. Furthermore, the API Economy affects the way organizations cooperate. Until recently, setting up a partnership with another organization to integrate their capabilities into the own business model was connected to a lot of effort (contract design, cooperation model definition, etc.). Now, the API Economy allows highly automated sourcing of such capabilities via Web-APIs, which enables organizations to form relationships a lot easier, faster, and with more partners.4 

However, although it is recognized that APIs can generate value for organizations providing these APIs, there is an uneven distribution not only between industries but also between digital and established organizations. While digital organizations have embraced the use of open APIs, the number of open APIs provided by established organizations is much smaller5. The management of open, partner, and group APIs is an organizational function at the interface between several stakeholders inside and outside an organization. Thus, collaboration and knowledge transfer between stakeholders play an important role. We address the complex problem of collaboration and knowledge transfer in API management with a pattern catalog.

Summarizing, this research project aims at answering the following two research questions:

  • What stakeholders are involved in API management of open, partner, and group APIs?
  • What API management patterns can we identify for open, partner, and group APIs? 

Initial Results

An initial process supporting the collaborative API proposal design has been developed in cooperation with an industry partner. The collaborative API proposal design process has been evaluated using a prototype, which supports the process. For further information see [Bo19a].


Furthermore, the initial version of API management patterns is available here


If you are interested in a collaboration in this research project, please contact Gloria Bondel at



[Bo19a] Bondel, G.; Bui, D. H.; Faber, A.; Seidel, D.; Hauder, M.: Towards a Process and Tool Support for Collaborative API Proposal Management, AMCIS: Americas Conference on Information Systems, Cancún, 2019.


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Kepes, B. (2014). Software may be eating the world but APIs are giving it teeth. Diversity Limited.

2 Vukovic, M. et al. (2016). Viewpoint Riding and Thriving on the API Hype Cycle. Guidelines for the enterprise. Communications of the ACM, 59(3), 35–37.

3 Holley, K. et al. (2014). The Power of the API Economy business performance. Retrieved from

4 Kubler, S. et al. (2017). Open IoT Ecosystem for Sporting Event Management. IEEE Access14(8), pp. 7064-7079.

5 Evans, P. C., & Basole, R. C. (2016). Revealing the API ecosystem and enterprise strategy via visual analytics. Communications of the ACM, 59(2), 26–28.