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File in /Sebis Public Website/_/Analyse der Verwendung des Eventlistener Konzepts einer...     persist tricia

/_/Analyse der Verwendung des Eventlistener Konzepts einer.../PersistLongReal.pdf persist,tricia File


File in /Sebis Public Website/_/Analyse der Verwendung des Eventlistener Konzepts einer...     tricia changelistener

/_/Analyse der Verwendung des Eventlistener Konzepts einer.../TriciaDiffs.pdf changelistener,tricia

Masterthesis Joan Boixados

Student Project in Sebis Public Website  last modified Jul 17, 2013 by Alexander Steinhoff.    student project tagging bachelorthesis social bookmarking masterthesis tricia

the right of the text bachelorthesis,masterthesis,social bookmarking,student project,tagging,tricia

Article on Data Model Driven Implementation of Web Cooperation Systems...

Text Page in Sebis Research News  last modified Oct 4, 2010 by Thomas Büchner.    enterprise 2.0 metamodel presentation datamodel social software e20 tricia

Cooperation Systems with Tricia at the 3rd International Conference on Objects and Databases (ICOODB) in ,social software,tricia Text Page /Sebis Research News/_

Best paper award for article on Hybrid Wikis - Empowering Users to...

Text Page in Sebis Research News  last modified Aug 5, 2011 by Christian Neubert.    enterprise 2.0 collaboration enterprise2.0 social software hybrid wikis hybrid wiki e20 web 2.0 web2.0 e2.0 hybrid best paper wiki tricia

wikis,social software,tricia,web 2.0,web2.0,wiki Text Page /Sebis Research News/_

Offene Abschlussarbeit im Forschungsprojekt Hybrid Wikis

Text Page in Sebis Student News & Student Positions     enterprise 2.0 social software hybrid wikis hybrid wiki hybrid web 2.0 tricia

enterprise 2.0,hybrid,hybrid wiki,hybrid wikis,social software,tricia,web 2.0 Text Page /Sebis Student News & Student Positions/_


File in /Sebis Public Website/_/Analyse der Verwendung des Eventlistener Konzepts einer...     tricia changelistener

changelistener,tricia File Asset * Feature Role Property 0...1 ChangeListener - name: String +

Article on structuring contents in enterprise wikis accepted at ECKM 2011

Text Page in Sebis Research News  last modified Jul 11, 2011 by Christian Neubert.    enterprise 2.0 wikis collaboration e2.0 web2.0 social software hybrid wiki hybrid wiki web 2.0 e20 tricia

,hybrid,hybrid wiki,social software,tricia,web 2.0,web2.0,wiki,wikis Text Page /Sebis Research News/_


File in /Sebis Public Website/_/Analyse der Verwendung des Eventlistener Konzepts einer...     persist tricia

/_/Analyse der Verwendung des Eventlistener Konzepts einer.../persist_visio_doc.vsd persist,tricia File

Two Vacant Positions as Student Assistants (10 - 20 hours per week) for the SocioCortex Research Project

Text Page in Sebis Public Website     restapi open position development webanwendungen angularjs sociocortex tricia

,tricia,webanwendungen Text Page /Sebis Public Website/_

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