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Masterthesis Joan Boixados

Student Project in Sebis Public Website  last modified Jul 17, 2013 by Alexander Steinhoff.    student project tagging bachelorthesis social bookmarking masterthesis tricia

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Mehrere studentische Arbeiten im Umfeld von Enterprise 2.0 zu vergeben

Text Page in Sebis Student News & Student Positions  last modified Oct 16, 2009 by Thomas Büchner.    diplomarbeit bachelorthesis masterarbeit bachelorarbeit masterthesis

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Bachelors's Thesis Raffael Comi

Student Project in Sebis Public Website     student project eam metrics bachelorthesis thesis

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Bachelor's Thesis Baran Kalkavan

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bachelorthesis Student Project Start Date 1652565600000 Advisor Burak Öz Submission date

Bachelor's Thesis Nils Rehtanz

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Julian Lebherz BachelorThesis.pdf

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Bachelor's Thesis Stefan Wiesi

Student Project in Sebis Public Website  last modified Jul 17, 2013 by Alexander Steinhoff.    enterprise 2.0 usability student project teaching bachelorthesis 2011 thesis tricia

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Bachelor's Thesis Joschka Fischer

Student Project in Sebis Public Website     student project teaching bachelorthesis cloud mergers and acquisitions data migration bachelorarbeit thesis

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Bachelorthesis Conrad Kutsch

Student Project in Sebis Public Website     enterprise 2.0 student project teaching bachelorthesis awareness bachelorarbeit conrad kutsch

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Auswahl eines Werkzeugs zum Anforderungsmanagement

Student Project in Sebis Public Website     requirements engineering student project teaching bachelorthesis adac bachelorarbeit thesis

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