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Master's Thesis Maurice Laboureur

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, 2002. /Sebis Public Website/_/Master's Thesis Maurice Laboureur Not template related Show to the right of the text Hide Hide master's thesis,masterthesis,student project,teaching,thesis Student Project Thesis PDF Thesis Laboureur.pdf Title (en) Design and Implementation of a Framework for Adaptive Final presentation slides abschluss - laboureur v2.pptx Type Master's Thesis Copyright agreement

Master Thesis Christopher Janietz

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Public Website/_/Master Thesis Christopher Janietz Not template related Show to the right of the ,masterthesis,microservices,planningit,spring boot,student project,thesis Student Project Checklist Applikations Performance Monitoring. Advisor Dr. Martin Kleehaus Thesis PDF Christopher_Janietz _Master_Thesis.pdf Start Date 1523743200000 Supervisor Prof. Dr. Florian Matthes Title (en) Enhancing enterprise architecture models using application performance monitoring data. Type Master's Thesis /Sebis Public Website/_

Bachelor's Thesis Alexandra Fritzen

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readability and accuracy. /Sebis Public Website/_/Bachelor's Thesis Alexandra Fritzen Not template related Show to the right of the text Show below the text Hide student project,thesis Student Project Kick-off presentation slides Fritzen_Initial_Presentation.pdf Thesis PDF Fritzen_ThesisBSc.pdf 1405375200000 Type Bachelor's Thesis Advisor Dr. Marin Zec Sebis Contributor Agreement signed on /Sebis Public Website/_

Master's Thesis Annemarie Heuschild

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account, this thesis suggests a framework to manage change requests through workflows to address the changerequests and the change request life-cycle, the thesis continues with defining relations, actors framework resolves the gaps using one of the analysed products. The outcome of this thesis is a framework Please note, no kickoff presentation due to thesis abroad. Literature Bitzer, S. M. (1995) Technology. Non-Published Master's Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey. Deelman, E., Gannon, D

Master Thesis Patrick Schäfer

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represent even complex dependencies and relations in a clear way. /Sebis Public Website/_/Master Thesis project,thesis,zipkin Student Project Kick-off presentation slides schaefer-patrick-kickoff.pdf Type Master's Thesis Submission date 1510700400000 Student Patrick Schäfer Thesis PDF PS_Thesis_final

Guided Research Björn Kirschner

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,guided research,java,language,student project,thesis Student Project Advisor Dr. Sascha Roth Supervisor Prof. Dr. Florian Matthes Thesis PDF finalGR_kirschner.pdf Final presentation slides 091213 Antritt

Master's Thesis Stephan Münter

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of the aperto framework. The goal of this thesis is to develop a pattern-based evaluation framework in Unternehmen. /Sebis Public Website/_/Master's Thesis Stephan Münter Not template related ,student project,teaching,thesis,visualization Student Project Copyright agreement - notification patterns Start Date 1379196000000 Final presentation slides Thesis PDF Münter Thesis.pdf Copyright Student Stephan Münter Type Master's Thesis Kick-off presentation slides initial_presentation.pptx Status

Master's Thesis Alexander Schneider

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modeled in a structured way in order to enable tool support? The goal of this thesis is to answer these questions. Therefore, the research method used for this thesis is action research, which enables . Blackwell Publishing, März 2004. /Sebis Public Website/_/Master's Thesis Alexander Schneider Not the text 2011,alexander,bmw,eam,master's thesis,masterarbeit,masterthesis,schneider,student project ,thesis Student Project Project Student Alexander Schneider Sebis Contributor Agreement signed on

Bachelor's Thesis Stefan Wiesi

Student Project in Sebis Public Website  last modified Jul 17, 2013 by Alexander Steinhoff.    enterprise 2.0 usability student project teaching bachelorthesis 2011 thesis tricia

: BAAbschlussStefanWiesi.pdf /Sebis Public Website/_/Bachelor's Thesis Stefan Wiesi Not template related Show ,bachelorthesis,enterprise 2.0,student project,teaching,thesis,tricia,usability Student Project Student Bedienbarkeitsproblemen in einem Enterprise 2.0 Werkzeug Type Bachelor's Thesis Final presentation slides Thesis PDF /Sebis Public Website/_

Bachelor's Thesis - Stratgies to consolidate application landscapes

Student Project in Sebis Public Website     student project teaching application landscape bachelorthesis mergers and acquisitions transformation bachelorarbeit thesis

a consolidation strategy. Content This thesis examines M&A events from the perspective of Website/_/Bachelor's Thesis - Stratgies to consolidate application landscapes Not template related Show to landscape,bachelorarbeit,bachelorthesis,mergers and acquisitions,student project,teaching,thesis presentation slides 1324249200000 Type Bachelor's Thesis Project EAM in the context of M&A Advisor

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