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Software Engineering in der industriellen Praxis

Last modified Jun 16

SEIP Winter Semester 24/25

We are currently in the process of course planning. Stay tuned for updates!

Please only contact in case of any questions.


General Information 

SEIP: Software Engineering in Industrial Practice

Formally known as: Software Engineering in der industriellen Praxis

The SEIP lecture and examination exclusively take place in the winter semester. There is neither a lecture nor an exam in the summer semester.

The course will be offered again for the winter semester 24/25.

The lecture is held in English.

Registration for the lecture

SEIP is an elective lecture, and due to the current personnel situation, we can only supervise a limited number of students. Students can register for the course via TUMonline starting approximately in September. The students' assignments are expected to take place at the beginning of October.

Content and objectives

The lecture deals with different aspects of software engineering, divided into focus topics: Economic efficiency and cost estimation of IT projects, agile project management (SCRUM), requirements engineering and architecture. The motivation for the individual lectures comes from industrial practice: the speakers are experienced senior designers, consultants and project managers who have many years of experience in the implementation of extensive software projects. Real-life case studies are used to explain and deepen the theoretical principles.

Course structure

The lecture is structured as a block course and is held in lecture blocks of 3 hours each. The lectures are planned exclusively online. A recording of the course is not available.

Lecture Materials

The links to the online lectures and the lecture materials are available at You must enter a token (received in the lecture or by email) on the website to gain access.


The lecture will be followed by a final exam (75 min). The date and location will be announced here as soon as we receive the relevant information from the faculty. The exam usually takes place before Christmas. Exam questions will be asked in English. You can answer the exam questions in both German and English.

An additional exam is not offered.

Exam date: tbd.

Expected Prior Knowledge

Initial programming experience (any language), ideally experience with programming in teams.

This is particularly relevant for TUM-BWL students: Basic knowledge of software engineering is essential. In the lecture itself, these basics are not explained again in detail. The focus here is on the application of software engineering concepts in practice rather than explaining the basics again. If you are not already familiar with the software engineering basics, this may mean a considerable additional effort for you during the course to acquire this knowledge.

Overview of Dates, Locations & Content

Dates: See TUM Online or 


Files and Subpages

There are no subpages or files.