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Franziska Tobisch

Last modified May 21

Faculty of Informatics
Chair of Informatics 19
Software Engineering for Business Information Systems (sebis)    

Technical University of Munich
Boltzmannstraße 3
85748 Garching, Germany

franziska.tobisch [at]

Room FMI  01.12.058

Office hours: by appointment



I do not offer any thesis topics at the moment!


Curriculum Vitae

Franziska Maria Tobisch joined the chair for Software Engineering of Business Information Systems at the Technical University Munich in April 2022. She holds a master's degree in Information Systems. During her studies, she spent a semester abroad at Stockholm University (Sweden). She gained work experience through internships at Daimler TSS and Immersight GmbH. 


Research Interests

  • Large-Scale Agile Development
  • Knowledge exchange and coordination in large agile organizations
  • Communities of practices
  • Effort estimation


Teaching (in reverse chronological order)

Term Level Title Type Role
WS 23  Master Strategic IT Management  Lecture  Organizer
SS 23 Master Software Engineering for Business Applications (SEBA Master) Lab Course  Advisor
SS 23 Master EAM Miniprojekte Seminar Organizer
WS 22/23 Master Strategic IT Management Lecture Organizer
SS 22 Master EAM Miniprojekte
Seminar Advisor
SS 22 Master Software Engineering for Business Applications (SEBA Master) Lab Course Advisor




Philipp, P., Tobisch, F., Menzel, L., & Matthes, F. (2022). Toward a Metric Catalog for Large-Scale Agile Development, AMCIS: Americas Conference on Information Systems, Minneapolis, 2022.


Philipp, P., Tobisch, F., & Matthes, F. (2022). Challenges and Success Factors for Metrics in Large-Scale Agile Development, AMCIS: Americas Conference on Information Systems, Minneapolis, 2022.


Philipp, P., Tobisch, F., & Matthes, F. (2022). Investigating the Adoption of Metrics in Large-Scale Agile Software Development, PACIS: Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Taipei/Sydney Virtual Conference, 2022