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Felix Hoops

Faculty of Informatics
Chair of Informatics 19
Software Engineering for Business Information Systems (sebis)    

Technical University of Munich
Boltzmannstraße 3
85748 Garching bei München, Germany

Email: felix.hoops [at]
Room: 01.12.056
Contact Languages: German & English



I offer thesis supervision for motivated students. If you would like to propose a topic related to my research interests or get in touch to find a suitable one, please e-mail me with your CV and transcript of records attached.

For the time being, I am at supervision capacity.

Curriculum Vitae

Felix Hoops is a research associate at the chair of Software Engineering for Business Information Systems at Technical University of Munich (TUM) since May 2021. He holds a master's degree in Informatics from TUM and wrote his thesis on "Threat Analysis, Evaluation, and Mitigation for Smart Contracts Endorsed by TLS/SSL Certificates". During his studies, Mr. Hoops spent a semester abroad at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.


Research Interests

Prominent technologies and areas of interest include:

  • Digital Credentials
  • Self-Sovereign Identity
  • Blockchain & DLT


Current Research Project


GAIA-X 4 Production, After-Sales and PLC - Across Automated Driving
The Gaia-X project aims to build a federated data infrastructure for Europe. As part of the GAIA-X 4 Future Mobility project family, this project focuses on the secure implementation of digital twins for the automotive sector in the context of automated driving through an open distributed data ecosystem (ODDE). Spanning the entire product lifecycle, these twins are envisioned to improve product verification, validation, and update strategies. more here ...


Teaching (in reverse chronological order)

Term Level Title Type Role
SS 24 Master Software Engineering for Business Applications - Master Course Lecture & Projects   Advisor
WS 23/24 Master SEBA Lab Course Lab Course Organizer
SS 23 Master Blockchain-based Systems Engineering Lecture Co-Organizer
WS 22/23 Master SEBA Lab Course Lab Course Organizer
SS 22 Master Blockchain-based Systems Engineering Lecture Co-Organizer
WS 21/22 Master SEBA Lab Course Lab Course Advisor
SS 21 Master Blockchain-based Systems Engineering Lecture Co-Organizer


Publications (in reverse chronological order)


Hoops, F.; Matthes, F.: A Decentralized Identity Bridge for Usable Blockchain-backed Self-Sovereign Identity. Poster presented at the CfC St. Moritz Academic Research Track 2024, St. Moritz, Switzerland, 2024.


Öz, Burak, Jonas Gebele, Filip Rezabek, Felix Hoops, and Florian Matthes. ‘A First Study of MEV on an Up-and-Coming Blockchain: Algorand’. arXiv, 12 August 2023.


F. Hoops, A. Mühle, F. Matthes and C. Meinel, "A Taxonomy of Decentralized Identifier Methods for Practitioners," 2023 IEEE International Conference on Decentralized Applications and Infrastructures (DAPPS), Athens, Greece, 2023, pp. 57-65, doi: 10.1109/DAPPS57946.2023.00017.


Öz, B., & Hoops, F. (2023). The Advent of a New Incentive - Maximal Extractable Value. In Cronqvist, Pely (2023), A Companion to Decentralized Finance, Digital Assets, and Blockchain Technologies. Edward Elgar Publishing.


Hoops, F.: Threat Analysis, Evaluation, and Mitigation for Smart Contracts Endorsed by TLS/SSL Certificates
Master's Thesis: Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany, 2021.


Hoops, Jan Felix. "An introduction to Public and Private Distributed Ledgers." Network 41 (2017).