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Article on structuring contents in enterprise wikis accepted at ECKM 2011

Text Page in Sebis Research News  last modified Jul 11, 2011 by Christian Neubert.    enterprise 2.0 wikis collaboration e2.0 web2.0 social software hybrid wiki hybrid wiki web 2.0 e20 tricia

wikis accepted at ECKM 2011 Not template related Hide Hide Hide collaboration,e2.0,e20,enterprise 2.0

Best paper award for article on Hybrid Wikis - Empowering Users to...

Text Page in Sebis Research News  last modified Aug 5, 2011 by Christian Neubert.    enterprise 2.0 collaboration enterprise2.0 social software hybrid wikis hybrid wiki e20 web 2.0 web2.0 e2.0 hybrid best paper wiki tricia

Hide Hide best paper,collaboration,e2.0,e20,enterprise 2.0,enterprise2.0,hybrid,hybrid wiki,hybrid

Bachelor's Thesis Markus Müller

Student Project in Sebis Public Website     cad collaboration communication social software bachelorthesis bachelor bachelor's thesis bachelorarbeit thesis

below the text Hide bachelor,bachelor's thesis,bachelorarbeit,bachelorthesis,cad,collaboration

Enterprise 2.0 Tool Surveys 2008 and 2010

Research Project in /Sebis Public Website/Research/Completed Research Projects/Completed SSE Projects  last modified Feb 8, 2017 by Florian Matthes.    enterprise 2.0 collaboration research project sebis communication e2.0 social software survey studie research web 2.0

collaboration and knowledge management within enterprises. This survey examines Enterprise 2.0 tools in of the text Hide Hide collaboration,communication,e2.0,enterprise 2.0,research,research project