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Ma12 - EAM KPI Catalog v1.0

Publication in Sebis Public Website     eam 2012 kpi alexander publication

right of the text 2012,alexander,eam,kpi,publication Publication File EAM KPI Catalog Type Ma12 Address Munich, Germany Authors Dr. Alexander W. Schneider Dr. Ivan Monahov Dr. Christopher Schulz Research project /Sebis Public Website/_

Er10 - Roadmaps for Enterprise Architecture Evolution

Publication in Sebis Public Website     eam eampc 2010 eam pattern alexander publication

text 2010,alexander,eam,eam pattern,eampc,publication Publication Citation Ernst, A.; Schneider, A Published in Software Engineering 2010 – Workshopband Key Er10 Authors Dr. Alexander W. Schneider Dr. Alexander M. Ernst /Sebis Public Website/_

Master's Thesis Alexander Schneider

Student Project in Sebis Public Website     student project eam schneider master's thesis bmw 2011 alexander masterarbeit masterthesis thesis

. Blackwell Publishing, März 2004. /Sebis Public Website/_/Master's Thesis Alexander Schneider Not the text 2011,alexander,bmw,eam,master's thesis,masterarbeit,masterthesis,schneider,student project ,thesis Student Project Project Student Alexander Schneider Sebis Contributor Agreement signed on Prof. Dr. Florian Matthes Start Date 1305410400000 Advisor Dr. Ivan Monahov Thesis PDF MA Alexander Schneider.pdf /Sebis Public Website/_

Applying Web Analytics Tools in the Context of Enterprise Social Software

Publication in Sebis Public Website     enterprise 2.0 intranet search eckm article web analytics social software 2011 alexander publication

of the text Show to the right of the text 2011,alexander,article,eckm,enterprise 2.0,intranet search publication Conference Key Sc11 Authors Dr. Alexander W. Schneider Dr. Alexander Steinhoff Title Applying Web