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Ma05 - SOA verheißt Brückenschlag zwischen IT und Business

Publication in Sebis Public Website     2005 publication

the text 2005,publication Publication Title SOA verheißt Brückenschlag zwischen IT und Business File Year 2005 Citation Matthes, F.: SOA verheißt Brückenschlag zwischen IT und Business. Computerwoche Ausgabe 8, 2005. Address Type of publication

LM05b - User-Centered Social Software - Der Wissensarbeitsplatz der Zukunft

Article in Sebis Public Website     article 2005 publication

the right of the text 2005,article,publication Article Citation Lehel, V.; Matthes, F.: User -Centered Social Software - Der Wissensarbeitsplatz der Zukunft? In: KnowTech 2005, München, 2005. Title -KnowTech2005.pdf Authors Dr. Vanda Lehel Prof. Dr. Florian Matthes Year 2005 Key LM05b Address München /Sebis Public Website/_

sebis05 - sebis Jahresbericht 2004-2005

Publication in Sebis Public Website     2005 annual report publication

Publication /Sebis Public Website/_/sebis05 - sebis Jahresbericht 2004-2005 Not template related Show to the right of the text Show to the right of the text Show to the right of the text 2005,annual report,publication Publication Key sebis05 Title sebis Jahresbericht 2004-2005 Authors Prof. Dr . Florian Matthes Citation Matthes, F.: sebis Jahresbericht 2004-2005, Lehrstuhl I19, Institut für Info rmatik, Technische Universität München, September 2005. Year 2005 File sebis-Ganzjahresbericht-2004-2005.pdf Address München /Sebis Public Website/_

LMW05c - User-Centered Social Software - Beyond Closed Community Platforms

Publication in Sebis Public Website     2005 publication

related Show to the right of the text Show to the right of the text Show to the right of the text 2005 , Lehrstuhl Informatik 19, Technischer Bericht 0501, Juni 2005. Type of publication File 050802-LMW -User-Centered Content Syndication.pdf Year 2005 Research project Title User-Centered Social

LMW05b - Architekturbeschreibung von Anwendungslandschaften -...

Article in Sebis Public Website     article 2005 publication

Show to the right of the text 2005,article,publication Article Key LMW05b Address Essen Authors Dr . Josef Lankes Year 2005 Title Architekturbeschreibung von Anwendungslandschaften -2000. In: Liggesmeyer,P.; Pohl, K.; Goedicke, M. (Hrsg.): Software Engineering 2005, Essen., Köllen Druck Verlag P. 43-54, 2005. /Sebis Public Website/_

Enterprise Architecture Management Tool Survey 2005

Research Project in /Sebis Public Website/Research/Completed Research Projects/Completed EAM Projects     eam 2005 eamts

Research Project Objective The Enterprise Architecture Management Tool Survey 2005 evaluates the and August 2005 by the chair for Software Engineering for Business Information System (sebis) at printed version of our Enterprise Architecture Management Tool Survey 2005 is sold out! Therefore -Landschaften. In: is report 12/2005, OXYGON Verlag, 2005. [se05] sebis: Enterprise Architecture Management Tool Survey 2005. TU München, Chair for Informatics 19 (sebis), Germany, 2005. /Sebis Public Website

RoMa05 - Der Trend bei Unternehmensportalen - Transaktionen statt ECM

Publication in Sebis Public Website     2005 publication

the right of the text 2005,publication Publication Citation Rose, C.; Matthes, F.: Der Trend bei , 2005. Year 2005 Title Der Trend bei Unternehmensportalen: Transaktionen statt ECM Authors Rose C. Key RoMa05 /Sebis Public Website/_

Ko05 - Business Models

Publication in Sebis Public Website     2005 publication

of the text Show to the right of the text Show to the right of the text 2005,publication . Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings 04441 IBFI, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany 2005 Title Business Models Year 2005 File Ko05.pdf /Sebis Public Website/_

LMW05a - Softwarekartographie - Systematische Darstellung von...

Article in Sebis Public Website     anwendungslandschaften softwarekartographie article softwarecartography 2005 kartentypen softwarekarten publication

Show to the right of the text 2005,anwendungslandschaften,article,kartentypen,publication ,softwarecartography,softwarekarten,softwarekartographie Article Year 2005 Citation Lankes, J.; Matthes, F , O.K.; Sinz, E.J.; Eckert, S.; Isselhorst, T. (Hrsg.): Wirtschaftsinformatik 2005 Bamberg, Physica -Verlag, P. 1443-1462, 2005. Key LMW05a File 041005-LaMaWi-WI2005-Paper.pdf Title Softwarekartographie

FMW05 - Improving IT Management at the BMW Group by Integrating Existing...

Article in Sebis Public Website     article 2005 publication

Show to the right of the text 2005,article,publication Article Title Improving IT Management at the BMW Group by Integrating Existing IT Management Processes Year 2005 Key FMW05 Authors Fischer F 2005), Enschede, The Netherlands, 19-23. September 2005. File FMW05.pdf Address Enschede, The Netherlands /Sebis Public Website/_

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