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Bachelor's Thesis Stefan Wiesi

Student Project in Sebis Public Website  last modified Jul 17, 2013 by Alexander Steinhoff.    enterprise 2.0 usability student project teaching bachelorthesis 2011 thesis tricia

,bachelorthesis,enterprise 2.0,student project,teaching,thesis,tricia,usability Student Project Student

Article on Data Model Driven Implementation of Web Cooperation Systems...

Text Page in Sebis Research News  last modified Oct 4, 2010 by Thomas Büchner.    enterprise 2.0 metamodel presentation datamodel social software e20 tricia

Cooperation Systems with Tricia at the 3rd International Conference on Objects and Databases (ICOODB) in ,social software,tricia Text Page /Sebis Research News/_

Master Thesis Kamil Fabisiewicz

Student Project in Sebis Public Website     visualization student project java master thesis thesis tricia

solch eine Analyse ist die Visualisierungskomponente von Tricia. Mithilfe dieser lassen sich die auf thesis,student project,thesis,tricia,visualization Student Project Sebis Contributor Agreement signed

Demonstation on HybridWikis4EAM at WikiSym 2011

Text Page in Sebis Research News     enterprise 2.0 wiki4eam presentation e2.0 hybrid wiki 2011 hybrid wiki tricia

,hybrid wiki,presentation,tricia,wiki,wiki4eam Text Page /Sebis Research News/_

Ma11a - Hybrid Wikis - Empowering Users to Collaboratively Structure...

Article in Sebis Public Website  last modified Mar 1, 2013 by Christian Neubert.    enterprise 2.0 semantic wikis social software hybrid wikis hybrid wiki enterprise information management enterprise wikis e20 web 2.0 publication web collaboration article web2.0 e2.0 2011 inproceedings hybrid best paper wiki tricia

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Master's Thesis Nevzat ORHAN

Student Project in Sebis Public Website     visualization java tricia

right of the text Show to the right of the text java,tricia,visualization Student Project Thesis PDF

Bachelor Thesis Rainer Niedermayr

Student Project in Sebis Public Website     enterprise 2.0 student project teaching events bachelorthesis awareness bachelorarbeit tricia

Anforderungen an eine Komponente zum Verfolgen von Änderungen in der Enterprise 2.0 Plattform Tricia eingebettet in den Kern der Tricia-Plattform und die Ausgestaltung der Benutzeroberfläche. /Sebis ,enterprise 2.0,events,student project,teaching,tricia Student Project Status completed Kick-off

Marta Infante Abreu

User    technology surveillance eam university enviroment web 2.0 tricia eam,technology surveillance,tricia,university enviroment,web 2.0 User Last Name Web-Page

Analyse und Bewertung der Modellgüte in Hybrid Wikis

Student Project in Sebis Public Website     student project teaching hybrid wiki 2011 hybrid thesis tricia

,tricia Student Project Kick-off presentation slides Supervisor Prof. Dr. Florian Matthes Final

Best paper award for article on Hybrid Wikis - Empowering Users to...

Text Page in Sebis Research News  last modified Aug 5, 2011 by Christian Neubert.    enterprise 2.0 collaboration enterprise2.0 social software hybrid wikis hybrid wiki e20 web 2.0 web2.0 e2.0 hybrid best paper wiki tricia

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