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Master Thesis Nicolas Corpancho

Student Project in Sebis Public Website     visualization spring boot student project graph distributed tracing zipkin java microservices business process mining masterthesis sleuth thesis

thesis will focus on the automated documentation of cloud applications information from an answered during this thesis. Research questions: 1. How to obtain EA relevant information from the Public Website/_/Master Thesis Nicolas Corpancho Not template related Show to the right of the text Show below the text Hide business process mining,distributed tracing,graph,java,masterthesis ,microservices,sleuth,spring boot,student project,thesis,visualization,zipkin Student Project Project Multi

Master's Thesis Alexander Schneider

Student Project in Sebis Public Website     student project eam schneider master's thesis bmw 2011 alexander masterarbeit masterthesis thesis

the text 2011,alexander,bmw,eam,master's thesis,masterarbeit,masterthesis,schneider,student project modeled in a structured way in order to enable tool support? The goal of this thesis is to answer these questions. Therefore, the research method used for this thesis is action research, which enables . Blackwell Publishing, März 2004. /Sebis Public Website/_/Master's Thesis Alexander Schneider Not ,thesis Student Project Project Student Alexander Schneider Sebis Contributor Agreement signed on

Master Thesis Patrick Schäfer

Student Project in Sebis Public Website     spring boot student project distributed tracing zipkin java microservices celonis business process mining masterthesis sleuth thesis

represent even complex dependencies and relations in a clear way. /Sebis Public Website/_/Master Thesis process mining,celonis,distributed tracing,java,masterthesis,microservices,sleuth,spring boot,student project,thesis,zipkin Student Project Kick-off presentation slides schaefer-patrick-kickoff.pdf Type Master's Thesis Submission date 1510700400000 Student Patrick Schäfer Thesis PDF PS_Thesis_final

Master Thesis Tobias Höfler

Student Project in Sebis Public Website     tinymce javascript node.js node student project collaboration emberjs 2012 language sharejs masterthesis thesis

Student Project Abstract The purpose of this Thesis is to analyze, how realtime collaborative realtime architecture, which is presented in this Thesis. It is shown, that this architecture is a good technologies like Ember.js, Node.js, and share.js. At last, this Thesis describes Thesis Tobias Höfler Not template related Show to the right of the text Show to the right of the text Show to the right of the text 2012,collaboration,emberjs,javascript,language,masterthesis,node,node

Master's Thesis Stefan Bleibinhaus

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masterthesis,student project,teaching,thesis Student Project Type Master's Thesis Copyright agreement Student Project Abstract This thesis discusses the architectural design and implementation of an wiki Tricia. The thesis starts with introducing the concept of hybrid wikis in more detail and implemented in this thesis. The chosen technologies used for its implementation are discussed. Among . The thesis closes with an overview of Trista's implemented features and shows possibilities on how

Master Thesis Jochen Graeff

Student Project in Sebis Public Website     spring boot student project distributed tracing zipkin java microservices celonis business process mining masterthesis sleuth thesis

,java,masterthesis,microservices,sleuth,spring boot,student project,thesis,zipkin Student Project layers of an Enterprise Architecture (EA) and therefore gain a holistic view. This thesis aims to software component. /Sebis Public Website/_/Master Thesis Jochen Graeff Not template related Show Type Master's Thesis Checklist filled Yes Sebis Contributor Agreement signed on Project Multi-Level Monitoring Visualization Student Jochen Graeff Start Date 1487113200000 Thesis PDF JGraeff_Thesis

Master's Thesis Maurice Laboureur

Student Project in Sebis Public Website     student project teaching master's thesis masterthesis thesis

right of the text Hide Hide master's thesis,masterthesis,student project,teaching,thesis Student , 2002. /Sebis Public Website/_/Master's Thesis Maurice Laboureur Not template related Show to the Project Thesis PDF Thesis Laboureur.pdf Title (en) Design and Implementation of a Framework for Adaptive Final presentation slides abschluss - laboureur v2.pptx Type Master's Thesis Copyright agreement

Master's Thesis Mario Guma

Student Project in Sebis Public Website     student project teaching masterthesis thesis

Show to the right of the text masterthesis,student project,teaching,thesis Student Project Type Master Communicate information. The objective of this Master Thesis is to develop a concept design and Thesis Mario Guma Not template related Show to the right of the text Show to the right of the text 's Thesis Advisor Dr. Matheus Hauder Student Hercules Copyright agreement required No Copyright Enterprise-Wiki Confluence Sebis Contributor Agreement signed on Status completed Thesis PDF Thesis.pdf

Master's Thesis Michael Schätzlein

Student Project in Sebis Public Website     student project eam 2013 master's thesis masterarbeit masterthesis thesis

,masterthesis,student project,thesis Student Project Title (de) Generische und integrierte conceptional part of this thesis. For this purpose, we analyze existing literature in different . In the implementation part of the thesis we show a prototypical implementation of the concepts in visualizations on the base of test data. Results (Excerpt) Goal of the thesis is a prototypical visualization types for the metrics of the Metric Catalog the thesis presents a literature review

Master's Thesis Annemarie Heuschild

Student Project in Sebis Public Website     student project teaching masterthesis thesis

account, this thesis suggests a framework to manage change requests through workflows to address the changerequests and the change request life-cycle, the thesis continues with defining relations, actors framework resolves the gaps using one of the analysed products. The outcome of this thesis is a framework Please note, no kickoff presentation due to thesis abroad. Literature Bitzer, S. M. (1995) Technology. Non-Published Master's Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey. Deelman, E., Gannon, D

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