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Stephen Meisenbacher

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Vladika, J.; Meisenbacher, S.; Matthes, F. 2022. TUM sebis at GermEval 2022: A Hybrid Model Privacy Compliance - Master's Thesis: Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany, 2022. /Sebis below the text Hide natural language processing,privacy,sebis,staff Team Member Phone +49 89 289 Position Research Associate Twitter LinkedIn Skype /Sebis Public Website/Team

Sebis Workshop, 20. September 2018

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Event Informationen zum Sebis Workshop am 20. September 2018 Termindetails Datum Donnerstag, 20 relevanten und qualitativ hochwertigen Datenquellen. Patrick Holl LegalTech @ sebis Als eine der (Patrick Holl) Semantic Text Matching (STM) (Jörg Landthaler) /Sebis Public Website/Events/Sebis Workshops/Sebis Workshop, 20. September 2018 Not template related Show to the right of the text Show below the text Hide event,sebis,sebis talks,sebis workshop,stammtisch Event Informationen zur Anreise

Dr. Matheus Hauder

Team Member in /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni  last modified Jun 25, 2018 by Manoj Mahabaleshwar.    staff person mitarbeiter sebis matheus hauder team

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Dr. Christopher Schulz

Alumni in /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni  last modified Jun 25, 2018 by Manoj Mahabaleshwar.    mergers staff eam sebis schulz team acquisitions christopher

(to appear). /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni/Dr. Christopher Schulz Not template related Hide Show below the text Show below the text acquisitions,christopher,eam,mergers,schulz,sebis,staff,team .0058 Fax +49 89 289-17136 /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni

Dr. Dominik Huth

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.12.058 Curriculum Vitae I am a research associate at Sebis since April 2016, working in the of governance. Before joining Sebis, I worked as an SAP consultant at Reply for more than three Web Application Engineering Lecture Advisor /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni/Dr. Dominik Huth Not template related Show to the right of the text Show below the text Hide assistants,sebis,staff,team Associate Room 01.12.058 Skype /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni

Sascha Nägele

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Nguyen /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni/Sascha Nägele Not template related Show to the right of the text Show below the text Hide eam,person,sascha nägele,sebis,team Team Member E-Mail sascha.naegele@tum Xing LinkedIn Twitter Phone +49 89 289-17129 /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni

Prof. Dr. Florian Matthes

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/Sebis Public Website/Team/Prof. Dr. Florian Matthes Not template related Show to the right of the text Hide Hide curriculum vitae,florian,lebenslauf,matthes,photo,sap,sebis,staff,team Team Member Room 01 -Mail matthes [at] Fax +49 89 289 17136 Phone +49 89 289 17132 Xing /Sebis Public Website/Team

Oliver Wardas

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Mahdi Dhaini

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improve product verification, validation, and update strategies. More here. /Sebis Public Website/Team ,sebis,staff Team Member Twitter Phone +49 89 289 17138 LinkedIn -dhaini/ Skype Image File Room 01.12.40 Fax Secretary E-Mail Xing Position Research Associate /Sebis Public Website/Team

Dr. Andreas Freitag

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; IDP - Interdisziplinäres Projekt /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni/Dr. Andreas Freitag Not template related Hide Show below the text Hide andreas,eam,freitag,sebis,staff,team Team Member Skype Phone PhD Student Image File Andreas Freitag.JPG /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni

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