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Professorenklausur 2013

Event in Sebis Public Website     2013 event events conferences and workshops sebis talks

Event /Sebis Public Website/_/Professorenklausur 2013 Not template related Show to the right of the text Show below the text Hide 2013,conferences and workshops,event,events,sebis talks Event Place

SocioCortex Workshop, 16. September 2016

Event in /Sebis Public Website/Events/Past Events/SocioCortex Workshops  last modified Feb 23, 2022 by Florian Matthes.    workshop sebis event sociocortex

Event Agenda und Zeitplan für den SocioCortex Workshop am 16. September 2016 Termindetails Datum template related Show to the right of the text Show below the text Hide event,sebis,sociocortex ,workshop Event Place Fakultät für Informatik Contact Dr. Thomas Reschenhofer Date 1473976800000 Gastgeber

Seminar EAM-Grundlagen für die Praxis_ Kursleiter Prof. Florian Matthes

Event in Sebis Public Website     2014 event events conferences and workshops sebis talks

Event /Sebis Public Website/_/Seminar EAM-Grundlagen für die Praxis_ Kursleiter Prof. Florian workshops,event,events,sebis talks Event Participants Florian Matthes Place Leipzig Date 1396303200000 1396389600000 /Sebis Public Website/_

Praxisforum Softwareentwicklung für die Cloud 2013

Text Page in Sebis Research News  last modified Mar 20, 2013 by Florian Matthes.    workshop 2013 event cloud stuttgart software engineering

,cloud,event,software engineering,stuttgart,workshop Text Page /Sebis Research News/_

Intercultural Awareness Training for students

Event in Sebis Student News & Student Positions     soft skills training event intercultural training computacenter

Event In nowadays globalized world, particularly regarding IT, our professional life is becoming text Show to the right of the text computacenter,event,intercultural training,soft skills,training Event Contact Dr. Sascha Roth Time 10:00 - 17:00 Place 01.12.0035 Date 1350424800000 /Sebis Student News & Student Positions/_

Michael Kircher (Siemens Medical Solutions) referiert über Rollen und...

Text Page in Sebis Student News & Student Positions  last modified May 22, 2013 by Thomas Büchner.    2009 event seba bachelor

Hide Hide Hide 2009,event,seba bachelor Text Page /Sebis Student News & Student Positions/_

SocioCortex Workshop, 9. März 2017

Event in /Sebis Public Website/Events/Past Events/SocioCortex Workshops  last modified Feb 23, 2022 by Florian Matthes.    workshop sebis event sociocortex

Event Informationen zum SocioCortex Workshop am 9. März 2017 Termindetails Datum Donnerstag, 9 text Show below the text Hide event,sebis,sociocortex,workshop Event Time 13:30-16:00 Date

SocioCortex Workshop, 21. September 2017

Event in /Sebis Public Website/Events/Past Events/SocioCortex Workshops  last modified Feb 23, 2022 by Florian Matthes.    workshop sebis event sociocortex

Event Agenda und Zeitplan für den SocioCortex Workshop am 21. September 2017 Termindetails Datum the text Show below the text Hide event,sebis,sociocortex,workshop Event Participants Date

Patterns for Enterprise Architecture Management (PEAM2010)

Text Page in Sebis Public Website  last modified Jul 16, 2013 by Sabine Goldes (Buckl).    workshop eam event events peam conferences and workshops 2010 eam pattern

,conferences and workshops,eam,eam pattern,event,events,peam,workshop Text Page Place Paderborn Date 1266793200000 1266879600000 /Sebis Public Website/_

Sebis Workshop, 9. März 2017

Event in /Sebis Public Website/Events/Sebis Workshops     workshop sebis event stammtisch sebis workshop

Event Informationen zum Sebis Workshop am 9. März 2017 Termindetails Datum Thursday, 9th March erstmals ein Event dieser Art. Über 250 Teilnehmer haben 3 Tage lang zusammen mit unseren Partnern aus der event,sebis,sebis workshop,stammtisch,workshop Event Participants Time 16:00 - 18:00 Place Fakultät

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