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Zielgruppen, Nutzen und Wertbeitrag des Enterprise Architecture Management

Text Page in Sebis Research News  last modified Sep 2, 2010 by Thomas Büchner.    softwareforen eam event leipzig

Diskussionen bieten den Teilnehmern wertvolle Informationen zum Nachweis des Wertbeitrags von EAM des Enterprise Architecture Management Not template related Hide Hide Hide eam,event,leipzig,softwareforen Text Page /Sebis Research News/_

Bu10q - Conceptual Models for Cross-cutting Aspects in Enterprise...

Article in Sebis Public Website     eam article modeling 2010 inproceedings publication

, property, and relationship. Specific aspects relevant in the area of \EAm, such as temporality, property the right of the text Show to the right of the text Show to the right of the text 2010,article,eam the Enterprise (VORTE 2010) Research project BEAMS - Building Blocks for EAM Solutions /Sebis Public Website/_

Multi-Level Monitoring Visualization

Research Project in /Sebis Public Website/Research/Next-Generation IT Organizations     eam research project agile ea research

agile,ea,eam,research,research project Research Project Acronym TUMLLCM Monitoring Project end

Article detailing a practice case of BEAMS accepted at MCIS2011

Text Page in Sebis Research News  last modified Jun 20, 2011 by Sabine Goldes (Buckl).    eam beams publikationen 2011 publication

BEAMS accepted at MCIS2011 Not template related Hide Hide Hide 2011,beams,eam,publication,publikationen Text Page /Sebis Research News/_

Bu09o - Towards a Language for Enterprise Architecture Documentation and...

Article in Sebis Public Website     2009 eam article unpublished modeling publication

the text Show to the right of the text Show to the right of the text 2009,article,eam,modeling

Bu10m - A Technique for Annotating EA Information Models with Goals

Article in Sebis Public Website  last modified Apr 4, 2012 by Thomas Büchner.    eam article goal question metric modeling goal modeling modeling language 2010 inproceedings enterprise architecture management goal question metri enterprise architecture publication

2010,article,eam,enterprise architecture,enterprise architecture management,goal modeling,goal - Building Blocks for EAM Solutions Citation Buckl, S.; Matthes, F.; Schweda, C.M.: A technique for

Master Thesis Markus Bauer

Student Project in Sebis Public Website     student project eam collaboration masterthesis thesis

unternehmensspezifischen Ausgestaltung von EA Modellen) Abstract Prevalent EAM-Frameworks, as analyzed in . More coarse-grained “use cases” for EAM, relating to particular stakeholders and organizational gained in consulting projects, and are applied in such projects to deliver organization-specific EAM , 2007. [Bu08] Buckl, S.; Ernst, A. M.; Lankes, J.: Prof. Dr. Matthes, F.: EAM Pattern Catalog 1.0 the right of the text Show to the right of the text Show to the right of the text collaboration,eam

St10 - Enterprise architecture management from a knowledge management...

Article in Sebis Public Website  last modified Apr 4, 2012 by Sabine Goldes (Buckl).    future research topics eam article knowledge management 2010 inproceedings enterprise architecture management empirical study publication

Article Abstract Within the context of EAM numerous approaches proposed by researches exist. Still , EAM faces the similar challenge as that of knowledge management that is identifying, collecting and text 2010,article,eam,empirical study,enterprise architecture management,future research topics

Presentation at Colloquium on International Cooperation for Enterprise...

Text Page in Sebis Research News  last modified Apr 27, 2010 by Thomas Büchner.    eam presentation

Colloquium on International Cooperation for Enterprise... Not template related Hide Hide Hide eam,presentation Text Page /Sebis Research News/_

BM09 - Enterprise Architecture Management Patterns für zukunftsfähige...

Article in Sebis Public Website     2009 eam article publication

right of the text 2009,article,eam,publication Article Address Braunschweig Research project EAM