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Software Engineering in Industrial Practice

Course in /Sebis Public Website/Teaching     course teaching seip

Course SEIP Winter Semester 24/25 We are currently in the process of course planning. Stay tuned questions. -- General Information SEIP: Software Engineering in Industrial Practice Formally known as : Software Engineering in der industriellen Praxis Key points: The SEIP lecture and examination Teams. Use this for any questions or comments to Dr. Engelschall! Registration for the lecture SEIP is Materials The links to the online lectures and the lecture materials are available at

Einführung in die skalierte agile Software Entwicklung (archived)

Course in Sebis Public Website     course teaching seip

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WS2020 Einführung in die skalierte agile Software Entwicklung

Course in /Sebis Public Website/Teaching/Archived Courses/Einführung in die skalierte agile Software Entwicklung (archived)     course teaching seip

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Vorlesung an der TUM im Wintersemester 2013-2014

Text Page in Sebis Student News & Student Positions  last modified Jun 7, 2013 by Florian Matthes.    msg systems ag seip praxis bachelor vorlesung master

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