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Software Engineering for Business Applications - Bachelor's Course (SEBA Bachelor)

Course in /Sebis Public Website/Teaching     course seba lecture teaching seba bachelor bachelor ws1213

Course News Latest announcements for the winter term 23/24: The lecture will take place onsite (in Course (SEBA Bachelor) Not template related Show above the text Hide Hide bachelor,course,lecture ,seba,seba bachelor,teaching,ws1213 Course Exam Written Rhythm Winter Type Lecture Language English Garching) Thursday 12:00—14:00, in 5620.01.101 (Hörsaal 1, "Interims I") First lecture is on 19.10 particular programming and tool use – conveyed in the lecture and exercise will be assessed. Grade Bonus

EAM Miniprojekte

Course in /Sebis Public Website/Teaching     architektur-management course lecture teaching service-management strategisches it management sitm it-strategie portfolio-management it-management

right of the text Hide Hide architektur-management,course,it-management,it-strategie,lecture Course Hinweise und Aktuelles Language: The application for the seminar is also open to non-German at the industry partner or sebis Time: Block event and lecture units (see below for details) Prüfung (software architectures, process models, modeling, etc.) Successful participation in the lecture SITM & ,portfolio-management,service-management,sitm,strategisches it management,teaching Course Time see below

Software Engineering for Business Applications (SEBA Master)

Course in /Sebis Public Website/Teaching     seba course lecture teaching web applications seba master software engineering lehre web app eng master pflicht winfo master

text Hide Hide course,lecture,lehre,master,master pflicht winfo,seba,seba master,software engineering Course Course Registration Please register regularly for the course via TUMonline, later on all Module below). Course allocations will be announced until 12.04. Information Systems M.Sc. students and consists of a lecture and a practical part. The practical part (project) is conducted through the MERN stack thereby applying the concepts presented in the lecture and central exercise. The

Advanced Topics of Software Engineering

Course in /Sebis Public Website/Teaching     course lecture teaching ase tutor software architectures master

application, please contact the course organizer. Lecture The lectures are conducted fully online via ,lecture,master,software architectures,teaching,tutor Course Exam Written Acronym ASE Contact Course In Winter Semester 2023/2024, the course will be offered by the chair of Software and System matriculated at TUM ie you can enroll in this course using TUM online. The registration period for the course : 09/26/2022 - 10/20/2022. If you cannot register for this course in time (e.g. due to missing

Blockchain-based Systems Engineering

Course in /Sebis Public Website/Teaching     course lecture teaching

Course Registration in TUMonline The lecture and the exercise sessions will be streamed and our GithHub page Course overview Lectures In this lecture, we provide an overview of blockchain Not template related Show to the right of the text Hide Hide course,lecture,teaching Course Acronym recorded in SoSe 24' (TUM-Live). SoSe 23' lecture content, exercises, and previous exams can be found on complementary practical application of knowledge gained in the lecture. We further investigate the