Digital public services in the government domain require the interoperability of IT systems from federal, state and municipal level. This results in complex infrastructure which makes fast, user-friendly adaptions difficult and hard to manage.
Therefore, several governments aim at establishing platform structures and principles as a remedy. This builds on the idea of “Government as a Platform” (O’Reilly, 2011) which - on a technical level - compromises the establishment of a platform-oriented infrastructure. Platform-oriented infrastructures establish a stable core for less complexity and enable dynamic ecosystems for fast adaptability.
However, this platformization towards a platform-oriented infrastructure is challenging because organizations currrently have to follow costly trial-and-error strategies. This is mainly because the necessary steps of this transformation are not understood sufficiently and there are no comprehensive guidelines.
The goal of this project is the development of a structured approach for the platformization of digital infrastructures. The results are supposed to contribute to a better understanding of the necessary steps of infrastructure platformization and provide tools and guidelines for practitioners.
[Ku22a] |
Kuhn, P.; Buchinger, M.; Balta, D.; Matthes, F.: Barriers of applying Government as a Platform in Practice: Evidence from Germany. Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2022), 2022. | |
[Ku23a] |
Kuhn, P.; Maragno, G.; Balta, D.; Gastaldi, L.; Matthes, F.: Government as a Platform in Practice: Commonalities and Differences Across Three European Countries. In Electronic Government, Proceedings of the 22nd IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, EGOV 2023, Budapest, Hungary, September 5–7, 2023. | |
[Ku23b] |