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Master's Thesis Mario Guma

Last modified Apr 30, 2015


The tremendous growth of web based platforms in recent years led to the development of new technologies such as Enterprise-Wikis to improve the internal knowledge sharing in an enterprise. Such tools enable employees in an enterprise environment to Plan, Coordinate and Communicate information.


The objective of this Master Thesis is to develop a concept design and implementation of a software extension to support the coordination and the collaborative processes based on the Confluence Enterprise-Wiki-System. Confluence is an Enterprise-Wiki software that is written in the Java language and developed and marketed by Atlassian Inc. The purpose of Confluence is to increase the efficiency of managing and sharing information in an enterprise environment; specifically, by recording and sharing up-to-date absence information.


The extension is a Confluence Plug-in that will be based on an existing application and will be used for sharing absence information (holiday, illness absence etc..) of employees in an enterprise. This Plug-in can be easily integrated into the main enterprise platform, which is also based on Confluence. With the implementation of this project, employees may record theirAbsencesunder the main platform through the Confluence Plug-in to save time and effort.



 >> G. Neumann, S. Erol - "From a social wiki to a social workflow system"

 >> M. Werner- "Analysis of potential semantic-oriented extraction of data in enterprise wikis evaluated with the prototypical example of  a plugin for Atlassian Confluence"

 >>S. Akifuji, T. Sakaguchi, Y. Seki and M. Yoshioka - "CORVETTE: a cooperative workflow for virtual teams coordination"

 >> R. Farenhorst, H. V. Vliet - "Experiences with a Wiki to Support Architectural Knowledge Sharing"

 >> D. Lovell - "Collaborative Coding in the Cloud"



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Thesis.pdf 7,41 MB 14.06.2013