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Master thesis - Microservice-based Enterprise Architecture Discovery via Runtime Instrumentation

Last modified Feb 26, 2019


One important task in Enterprise Architecture Management is to transform the as-is IT landscape into the planned and improved state. Hereby, it is inevitable to have an up-to-date documentation of the whole IT landscape including infrastructure, applications, business-related aspects and the relationships between those elements. However, due to rapid architectural changes and the introduction of Microservices, Enterprise Architects struggle to manage the growing complexity of the IT landscape and to document it accordingly. 

Furthermore, due to agile practices and emphasizing change tolerance and continuous deployment, Microservices are introduced very quickly into the current infrastructure or removed when they are no longer needed. In these scenarios, it is crucial to keep track of the current Microservice architecture orchestration and their service dependencies in order to identify the as-is Enterprise Architecture.

In this work, we present a novel approach for discovering the whole Enterprise Architecture by combining runtime data with further EA relevant information that reside in federated information sources via an integrated configuration file. The hereby implemented prototype allows stakeholders to explore EA information from different perspectives, which supports new use cases and analysis capabilities.

We evaluate our prototype by implementing the concept at a big german insurance company. The introduction of a validation workflow enables fully automated data integration, which minimizes the effort for manual tasks. Based on results, we could prove that the concept is feasible for discovering the as-is IT landscape and to unveil multi-level dependencies from applications up to domains.

Industry Partner

This project is conducted with Allianz Deutschland AG. You are working as a fulltime student (20h/week) at Allianz Deutschland. Your working time is compensated monetarily.


  • CV
  • Transcript of records
  • fluent in german (writing and speaking)


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