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Bachelorthesis Philip Achenbach

Last modified Apr 22

Enterprise Architectures (EAs) are highly complex and intervowen systems, whose structure cannot be summarized in one comprehensive graphical or textual view. Furthermore, as every enterprise is likely to have its own understanding of EA reflected in a distinct terminology and grounded in an enterprise-specific model, up to now no set of 'standard viewpoints' on EAs has emerged. In this light, a technique providing both maximum flexibilty in respect to the modeled information as well as in respect to the graphical viewpoints taken, has to build on a powerful but easy-to-use language for describing EA viewpoints.

Such technique is under development at TU München since the year 2005 and has been incorporated into a tool for visualizing EAs, the SyCaTool. Along the evolution of the tool, also the language used for describing the viewpoints has evolved, starting from pure-Java in [Sc06]. Later in [Wi07] general purpose model-to-model transformation languages were analyzed and used to describe viewpoints. [Ra09] increased the level of abstraction once again, leading to a special purpose Viewpoint Definition Language (VDL) based on a tree-like structure. This language combines the clear execution semantics of a java-based language with the descriptive abstraction of a special purpose language by using the techniques of the Introspective Model-Driven Development.

In this thesis, an alternative realization of a VDL should be developed employing a different analogy for increasing ease-of-use. Understanding the model transformation underlying an architectural viewpoint as a delicate net of elementary transformations, i.e. input-output operations, the 'pipes' analogy as successfully adopted by yahoo pipes should be applied to frame the VDL.

The thesis thereby pursues two distinct outcomes. Firstly, a set of elementary transformation fragments should be developed on the conceptual basis of an input-output function. Thereby, especially questions of typing and parameterizing these fragments as well as of consistency checking in fragment composition are to be discussed. Secondly, the transformation fragments and their surrounding configuration framework should be implemented into the technical infrastructure provided by  the SyCaTool.

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