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Dr. Manoj Mahabaleshwar

Last modified May 15, 2020
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Software Engineering for Business Information Systems (sebis)
Chair for Informatics 19
Institute for Informatics
Technische Universität München
Boltzmannstraße 3
D-85748 Garching

Phone: +49 89 289-18162
Fax : +49 89 289-17136
Email: manoj.mahabaleshwar[at]
Room : FMI 01.12.059



Curriculum Vitae

  • Education

     [2012-2015] M.Sc. Informatics - Technische Universität München (TUM)

             [2005-2009] B.E. Computer Science - Dr.AIT Bangalore, India          

  • Work Experience  

             [2014-2015] Student Research Assistant (HiWi) - Sebis (TUM)

             [2014] Student Research Assistant (HiWi) - Chair of Application and Middleware Systems (TUM)

             [2012-2014]  Software Developer (HiWi) - Infoasset AG, Munich.

             [2009-2012] Research Assistant - TRDDC , TCS, Pune India 

Research Interest

  • Modeling Complex Systems
  • Software Architecture Knowledge Management
  • Knowledge and Ontology Engineering
  • Web Services Computing
  • Model-based Web Applications


Term Level Title Type Role
WS 2018 Master Advanced Topics of Software Engineering Lecture Organizer
SS 2017 Master SEBA Master - Web Application Engineering  Lecture Advisor
WS 2016/2017 Master Master Lab Course Web Applications Practical lab course Advisor
SS 2016 Master SEBA Master - Web Application Engineering Lecture Advisor
WS 2015/2016 Master Advanced Topics of Software Engineering Lecture Organizer
WS 2015/2016 Master Master Lab Course Web Applications Practical lab course Advisor
SS 2015 Master Web Application Engineering Lecture Advisor





Shumaiev, K.; Bhat, M.; Klymenko O.; Biesdorf, A.; Hohenstein, U.; Matthes, F.: Uncertainty expressions in software architecture group decision making: Explorative study, 12th European Conference on Software Architecture, Madrid, Spain, 2018


Manjunath A.; Bhat, M.; Shumaiev, K.; Biesdorf, A.; Matthes, F.: Decision making and cognitive biases in designing software architectures. In NEMI track at the International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA), Seattle, USA, 2018.


Bhat, M.; Shumaiev, K.; Koch K.; Hohenstein, U.; Biesdorf, A.; Matthes, F.: An expert recommendation system for design decision making - Who should be involved in making a design decision? International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA), Seattle, USA, 2018.



Bhat, M.; Shumaiev, K.; Matthes, F.: Towards a framework for managing architectural design decisions. 11th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA): Companion Volume, Canterbury, UK, 2017.


Bhat, M.; Shumaiev, K.; Biesdorf, A.; Hohenstein, U.; Matthes, F.: Automatic extraction of design decisions from issue management systems: a machine learning based approach. 11th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA),Canterbury, UK, 2017.


Bhat, M.; Shumaiev, K.; Biesdorf, A.; Hohenstein, U.; Hassel, M.; Matthes, F.: An Ontology-based Approach for Software Architecture Recommendations. 23rd Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Boston, USA, 2017.


Shumaiev, K.; Bhat, M.: Automatic uncertainty detection in software architecture documentation. In Young Researchers Forum at the International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA), Gothenburg, Sweden, 2017.


Reschenhofer, T; Bhat, M; Hernandez-Mendez, A; Matthes, F: Lessons Learned in Aligning Data and Model Evolution in Collaborative Information Systems - A Summary Report. Software Engineering 2017: 51-52
[Re16g] Reschenhofer, T; Bhat, M; Hernandez-Mendez, A; Matthes, F: Lessons Learned in Aligning Data and Model Evolution in Collaborative Information Systems (Extended Abstract). EMISA 2016: 95-98


[Bh16] Bhat, M.; Shumaiev, K.; Biesdorf, A.; Hohenstein, U.; Hassel, M.; Matthes, F.: Meta-model Based Framework for Architectural Knowledge Management, SAGRA workshop at European Conference on Software Architecutre 2016, Nov. 28 - Dec. 02, 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark
[Re16a] Reschenhofer, T.; Bhat, M.; Hernandez-Mendez, A.; Matthes, F.: Lessons Learned in Aligning Data and Model Evolution in Collaborative Information Systems. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), Austin, Texas USA, 2016, in press.


[Bh15a] Bhat, M.; Reschenhofer, T.; Matthes, F.: A Model-Based Approach for Retrospective Analysis of Enterprise Architecture Metrics. 17th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), Barcelona, Spain., 2015.
[Bh15] Bhat, M.; Reschenhofer, T.; Matthes, F.: Tool Support for Analyzing the Evolution of Enterprise Architecture Metrics. Book title: Proceedings of the 17th ICEIS - Volume 3, 2015.

Current Projects