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Bachelor's Thesis Haokun Zheng

Last modified Jan 29
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Design and Analysis of a Tap to Pay Protocol for On-chain Cryptocurrency Payments



Blockchain technology has garnered significant attention in recent years due to its promise to transform the way financial transactions are conducted. On paper, cryptocurrencies offer several benefits over traditional payment methods because of their decentralized and secure nature, including possibly significantly lower transaction fees, a higher degree of transparency, and greater financial inclusion. While scalability advancements in the last few years have provided blockchain networks with the necessary capacity to process large enough transaction volumes, the complexity of the technology and lack of user-friendly interfaces continue to limit the mainstream adoption of blockchain-based payment solutions. 

Existing payment solutions for in-person cryptocurrency transactions remain very sparsely developed and continue to have a poorer user experience than their fiat payment counterparts. Even on the most popular and largest cryptocurrencies by market cap, payments are still in essence just realized by generating an URI-encoding of the payee information and then sending that to the paying party for transaction processing – often realized through a simple QR code. The Bitcoin network for example uses a standardized URI-encoding scheme [2] which is then implemented by wallets and used by payment processers such as OpenNode [3] or BitPay [4] to build basic checkout solutions. The Ethereum ecosystem also has an equivalent URL-schemes to encode such transaction requests [5]. One of the more advanced payment frameworks is Solana Pay [1] on the Solana Network. Beyond a simple URL-encoding specification, it offers support for payment references and API-based interactive transaction requests with partially signed transactions and pre-determined gas fee payors. Yet after all, even the most sophisticated payment protocols and commercially available solutions still work on the principle of transferring formatted transaction information to the payor and requiring them to process and complete the transaction. This distribution of roles makes use of the historically given processing functionality of user wallets, however, comes with many drawbacks regarding its user experience. While typical fiat in-person payments (e.g. Visa/Mastercard) are processed on the merchant’s side and need only an offline and passive input from the customer which can be quickly done through a tap of a card or smartphone, current crypto payment implementations require a more time-intensive QR-code scan interaction flow (unlocking phone, opening/unlocking wallet app, selecting QR scanner, aligning phone camera with QR code etc.) in a fully setup wallet app on a mobile phone with sufficient battery charge and internet connection. Furthermore, having a transaction be processed and sent off on the customer’s side forces the merchant to repeatedly check for incoming funds once payment information is shared and inhibits the implementation of more user-friendly payment methods such as tap to pay payments. Therefore, a tap to pay system for cryptocurrency transactions similar to the fiat counterpart in which the merchant is processing transactions and the customer only required to carry a passive and offline authentication medium (e.g. smart card or mobile phone) is strongly desired.

Due to the relative novelty and simultaneous fast developments in the crypto payments industry, limited amounts of academic papers have been published analyzing cryptocurrency payment methods directly and most contributions stem from non-academic publications. Many previous works however demonstrate and validate the need for further research in this area. After development and evaluation of a Point-of-Sale payment system for Bitcoin Lightning payments, Michael Fröhlich et al. [6] established the too lengthy interaction flow required by current QR- code-based wallet payments as one of the core user experience issues. This finding is further validated and identified as general chain-agnostic issue in a large user experience study with mobile crypto wallets by Artemij Voskobojnikov et al. [7]. Dongcheng Li et al. [8] analyzed recent developments in NFC payment technologies in the context of potential crypto payment implementations and identified various strong benefits and a strong need for NFC-based cryptocurrency payment solutions. Last, Abdul Ghaffar Khan et al. [9] also demonstrated the user experience and security downsides of a payor-side (and therefore hot-wallet based) transaction processing and proposed a multi-layer QR-code based cold-wallet payment solution with a process flow that corresponds to that of a modern tap to pay system.

The proposed thesis therefore aims to first analyze the functional and technical requirements of such a system and then propose a novel protocol incl. implementation for on-chain tap to pay transactions which is then evaluated according to its performance, security, and general real-world feasibility. The findings and proposed design of this thesis would serve as a valuable foundation for further development of blockchain based payment infrastructure by laying out the current state of the art and potential issues of developing a sound tap to pay system.


Research Questions

RQ1:  How do current fiat tap to pay payment methods work and what types of different form factors, technologies & infrastructure exist?

RQ2:  What are the current state of the art crypto payment methods and how do they compare to a tap to pay method?

RQ3:  What are general functional requirements & critical security properties of any tap to pay payment protocol?

RQ4:  How could a feasible and secure tap to pay payment system be implemented for on-chain crypto transactions?

RQ5:  How does the proposed tap to pay system compare to existing fiat tap to pay solutions and cryptocurrency payment methods in terms of performance, security, and usability?




[1] Solana Labs. A decentralized, permissionless, and open-source payments protocol | Solana Pay.

Retrieved February 28, 2023.

[2] Payment processing – Bitcoin Documentation. Retrieved February 28, 2023.

[3] OpenNode. Bitcoin payment processor. Retrieved February 28, 2023.

[4]  Bitpay. Bitcoin point of sale terminal - accept crypto in-store with BitPay. Retrieved February 28, 2023.

[5] URL Format for Transaction Requests, Ethereum ERC-681. 2017.

[6] Michael Froehlich, Jose Adrian Vega Vermehren, Florian Alt, and Albrecht Schmidt. 2022. Implementation and Evaluation of a Point-Of-Sale Payment System Using Bitcoin Lightning. In Nordic Human-Computer Interaction Conference (NordiCHI '22). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 16, 1–12.

[7]  Artemij Voskobojnikov, Oliver Wiese, Masoud Mehrabi Koushki, Volker Roth, and Konstantin (Kosta) Beznosov. 2021. The U in Crypto Stands for Usable: An Empirical Study of User Experience with Mobile Cryptocurrency Wallets. In Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '21). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 642, 1–14.

[8]  Dongcheng Li, W. Eric Wong, Matthew Chau, Sean Pan, Liang Seng Koh. 2020. A Survey of NFC Mobile Payment: Challenges and Solutions using Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies. 7th International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their Applications (DSA), Xi'an, China, 2020, pp. 69-77.

[9]  Abdul Ghaffar Khan, Amjad Hussain Zahid, Muzammil Hussain, Usama Riaz. 2019. Security Of Cryptocurrency Using Hardware Wallet And QR Code. International Conference on Innovative Computing (ICIC), Lahore, Pakistan, 2019, pp. 1-10.

[10]  Eskandari, Shayan, Jeremy Clark, and Abdelwahab Hamou-Lhadj. 2016. Buy Your Coffee with Bitcoin: Real-World Deployment of a Bitcoin Point of Sale Terminal. Intl IEEE Conferences on Ubiquitous Intelligence & Computing, Advanced and Trusted Computing, Scalable Computing and Communications, Cloud and Big Data Computing, Internet of People, and Smart World Congress (UIC/ATC/ScalCom/CBDCom/IoP/SmartWorld), Toulouse, France, 2016, pp. 382- 389.

[11]  Shirsha Ghosh, Joyeeta Goswami, Abhishek Kumar, Alak Majumder. 2015. Issues in NFC as a form of contactless communication: A comprehensive survey. International Conference on Smart Technologies and Management for Computing, Communication, Controls, Energy and Materials (ICSTM), Avadi, India, 2015, pp. 245-252.






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