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A comparison of EAM goals and enterprise goals – A Literature Review

Last modified Nov 5, 2014


The success of management decisions within an organization depends fundamentally on the definition of a clear vision and a set of fitting goals derived from it. Goals are important for the legitimation of management decisions. A big challenge of every management decision in particular concerning enterprise architecture management (EAM) and the support of the enterprise’s business model is the right communication of it to all affected stakeholders to ensure a smooth enactment and sufficient acceptance. Therefore, it is critical to prove the positive impact of the decision towards the organization’s goals. Such a decision could be for instance the adoption of a certain reusable state-of-the-art EAM building-block contributing to the achievement of a set of goals related to that building block. Once a decision is successfully enacted, a continuous benchmarking process has to be set in motion with the purpose to check the contribution towards the organization’s goals over the whole time during that decision has a meaningful impact. Therefore, it is required to define metrics offering a quantitative measure. With a Goal-Question-Metric (GQM) approach it is possible to create goal-specific metrics based on questions that can be derived from the defined goals. The definition of goals itself is not trivial and is a big challenge for most organizations. Whenever a goal is defined it has to be motivated comprehensively within a good rational. To get a hint which goals are important and should be prioritized consequently it can be useful to get a general idea of possible goals. Within the scope of this thesis an overview of typical goals regarding enterprise architecture (EA) and the support of the enterprise’s business itself is given. Therefore, different practical and scientific state-of-the-art EA and enterprise business related approaches are inspected with regard to explicit defined goals. The outcome of this analysis is a list of EA and business related goals, that are to be categorized, classified by common aspects and ordered in a second step. A first evaluation of the goals known from the investigated approaches is done by a comparison with the usage of EA and business related goals pursued by practitioners like companies to find out which goals are pursued by them. If there are goals which could not be found in the analyzed approaches but are used by a practitioner it is to be investigated if such goals can be mapped to goals already known. Furthermore, it is possible to find out which goals are pursued by practitioners but are entirely missing within the scope of the analyzed approaches.



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