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EAM KPI Catalog V1.0 published

Text Page in Sebis Research News     eam kpi catalog eam sebis key performance indocator catalog forschung v 1.0 ea management 2012 kpi enterprise architecture management

fulfillment. /Sebis Research News/_/EAM KPI Catalog V1.0 published Not template related Hide Text Page The first version of the EAM KPI Catalog has been just released. In the document, the Hide Hide 2012,catalog,ea management,eam,eam kpi catalog,enterprise architecture management,forschung ,key performance indocator,kpi,sebis,v 1.0 Text Page /Sebis Research News/_

Pascal Philipp

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Not template related Hide Show below the text Show below the text eam,pascal philipp,person,sebis SAP Commerce Cloud teams. more here ... Teaching Term Level Title Type Role SS 23 Master EAM Advisor SS 22 Master EAM Miniprojekte Seminar Advisor SS 22 Master Software Engineering for Business SS 20 Master EAM Miniprojekte Seminar Advisor SS 20 Master Software Engineering for Business Applications - Master Course Lecture & Projects Advisor /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni/Pascal Philipp

Dr. Sascha Roth

Alumni in /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni  last modified Jun 25, 2018 by Manoj Mahabaleshwar.    staff eam sascha roth sebis team

Not template related Hide Show below the text Show below the text eam,sascha roth,sebis,staff,team Thesis Björn Kirschner Master's Thesis 2013/2014 /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni/Dr. Sascha Roth Phone +49 89 289-17129 E-Mail /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni