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Article on socio-technic dependency modeling for EAM accepted at ONTOSE2011

Text Page in Sebis Research News  last modified Mar 17, 2011 by Thomas Büchner.    eam publication

structures. /Sebis Research News/_/Article on socio-technic dependency modeling for EAM accepted at ONTOSE2011 Not template related Hide Hide Hide eam,publication Text Page /Sebis Research News/_

BM09 - Enterprise Architecture Management Patterns für zukunftsfähige...

Article in Sebis Public Website     2009 eam article publication

right of the text 2009,article,eam,publication Article Address Braunschweig Research project EAM

Bu09r - How to make your enterprise architecture management endeavor fail!

Article in Sebis Public Website     2009 eam anti pattern eam article publication

aligning business and IT in order to optimize their interaction. In contrast to other EAM patterns Show to the right of the text Show to the right of the text 2009,article,eam,eam anti pattern Languages of Programs 2009 (PLoP 2009), Chicago, 2009. Address Chicago File Bu09r.pdf Research project EAM Pattern Catalog V1 (2008) /Sebis Public Website/_

Er10 - Roadmaps for Enterprise Architecture Evolution

Publication in Sebis Public Website     eam eampc 2010 eam pattern alexander publication

text 2010,alexander,eam,eam pattern,eampc,publication Publication Citation Ernst, A.; Schneider, A

Bu09d - An Information Model for Managed Application Landscape Evolution

Journal in Sebis Public Website     journal management tools traceability temporality 2009 historization eam enterprise architecture managemen article modeling publication

text Show to the right of the text Show to the right of the text 2009,article,eam,enterprise

Hauke Kröger

User last modified Aug 12, 2013 by Hauke Kröger.    business architecture eam information architecture publication

User Hauke Kröger Deutsch (de) business architecture,eam,information

Presentation at Colloquium on International Cooperation for Enterprise...

Text Page in Sebis Research News  last modified Apr 27, 2010 by Thomas Büchner.    eam presentation

Colloquium on International Cooperation for Enterprise... Not template related Hide Hide Hide eam,presentation Text Page /Sebis Research News/_

Guided Research Erdisa Subashi

Student Project in Sebis Public Website     guided research student project eam subashi metric catalog 2012 kpi language erdisa ecore

transformation of organizations. As in any other management discipline, EAM applies the concept of metrics current EAM tools only offers a limited metric support, we intend to extend our java-based EAM research language employed for the implementation of EAM metrics has to provide. We afterwards point out which of our studies, since our EAM research software is already able to export Ecore models. Lastly, we demonstrate how one specific EAM metric can be implemented in the examined languages. The gained findings

Master Thesis Duygu Akdemir

Student Project in Sebis Public Website     collaboration eam master's thesis business ecosystem

has been conducted on collaboration across individual organizations in the field of EAM, the aim of -organizational cooperation types and a multiple embedded case study on inter-organizational EAM in the , the collaboration process including the challenges and benefits of the cooperation, the EAM text Show below the text Hide business ecosystem,collaboration,eam,master's thesis Student Project

Presentation at Softwareforen Leipzig

Text Page in Sebis Research News  last modified Apr 6, 2010 by Sabine Goldes (Buckl).    eam tools eam presentation

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