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Article on Future Research Topics in EAM published in Journal on EA

Text Page in Sebis Research News  last modified Aug 31, 2010 by Thomas Büchner.    eam 2010 publication

EA management. /Sebis Research News/_/Article on Future Research Topics in EAM published in Journal on EA Not template related Hide Hide Hide 2010,eam,publication Text Page /Sebis Research News/_

Article on lightweight approach to EAM accepted for CAiSE Forum...

Text Page in Sebis Research News     eam e2.0 2010 publication

. /Sebis Research News/_/Article on lightweight approach to EAM accepted for CAiSE Forum... Not template related Hide Hide Hide 2010,e2.0,eam,publication Text Page /Sebis Research News/_

Guided Research Erdisa Subashi

Student Project in Sebis Public Website     guided research student project eam subashi metric catalog 2012 kpi language erdisa ecore

transformation of organizations. As in any other management discipline, EAM applies the concept of metrics current EAM tools only offers a limited metric support, we intend to extend our java-based EAM research language employed for the implementation of EAM metrics has to provide. We afterwards point out which of our studies, since our EAM research software is already able to export Ecore models. Lastly, we demonstrate how one specific EAM metric can be implemented in the examined languages. The gained findings

Einteilung der EAM Mini-Projekte

Text Page in Sebis Student News & Student Positions     eam miniproject

der EAM Mini-Projekte Not template related Hide Hide Hide eam,miniproject Text Page /Sebis Student News & Student Positions/_

Article on a situated approach to enterprise architecture management...

Text Page in Sebis Research News  last modified May 25, 2010 by Thomas Büchner.    eam publication

approach to enterprise architecture management... Not template related Hide Hide Hide eam,publication Text Page /Sebis Research News/_

Article on Future Research Topics in EAM accepted at TEAR 2009

Text Page in Sebis Research News  last modified Mar 31, 2010 by Thomas Büchner.    eam publication

/_/Article on Future Research Topics in EAM accepted at TEAR 2009 Not template related Hide Hide Hide eam,publication Text Page /Sebis Research News/_

Bachelors's Thesis Raffael Comi

Student Project in Sebis Public Website     student project eam metrics bachelorthesis thesis

Show below the text Hide bachelorthesis,eam,metrics,student project,thesis Student Project Supervisor Prof. Dr. Florian Matthes Project EAM KPI Catalog Kick-off presentation slides Sebis Contributor

Traveling Season - Meet sebis at 5 events in Frankfurt and Saarbrücken

Text Page in Sebis Research News  last modified Nov 13, 2008 by Thomas Büchner.    frankfurt eam saarbrücken invited talk

simulation-supported enterprise architecture management 25.11.2008 1.EAM ThinkTank, Syracom, Langen bei related Hide Hide Hide eam,frankfurt,invited talk,saarbrücken Text Page /Sebis Research News/_

Article on building block-based development of EA modeling languages...

Text Page in Sebis Research News  last modified Feb 22, 2011 by Thomas Büchner.    eam publication

languages... Not template related Hide Hide Hide eam,publication Text Page /Sebis Research News/_

BS11 - On the State-of-the-Art in Enterprise Architecture Management...

Publication in Sebis Public Website  last modified Apr 4, 2012 by Sabine Goldes (Buckl).    eam 2011 enterprise architecture management enterprise architecture publication technical report

Show to the right of the text Show to the right of the text Show to the right of the text 2011,eam

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