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Wiki4EAM Vortrag auf der OOP 2012

Text Page in Sebis Research News  last modified Nov 17, 2011 by Christian Neubert.    wiki4eam vortrag presentation hybrid wikis 2012 oop

Text Page Prof. Matthes wird im Rahmen der OOP 2012 am 25.01.2012 von 12:50 - 13:20 zum Thema Vortrag auf der OOP 2012 Not template related Hide Hide Hide 2012,hybrid wikis,oop,presentation,vortrag,wiki4eam Text Page /Sebis Research News/_

Paper accepted at Hypertext 2012

Text Page in Sebis Research News  last modified May 23, 2012 by Alexander Steinhoff.    2012 publication

at the Hypertext 2012 conference. In the paper, the author team Florian Matthes, Christian Neubert . /Sebis Research News/_/Paper accepted at Hypertext 2012 Not template related Hide Hide Hide 2012,publication Text Page /Sebis Research News/_

SMR12 - Towards a Conceptual Framework for Interactive Enterprise...

Article in Sebis Public Website     article 2012 publication

right of the text 2012,article,publication Article Authors Schaub Michael Dr. Sascha Roth Address Bamberg, Germany Year 2012 Citation Schaub, M.; Matthes, F.; Roth, S.: Towards a Conceptual Framework for , 2012 Title Towards a Conceptual Framework for Interactive Enterprise Architecture Management Visualizations Key SMR12 /Sebis Public Website/_

EAM KPI Catalog

Research Project in /Sebis Public Website/Research/Completed Research Projects/Completed EAM Projects     eam kpis research project ea management eam kpi catalo 2012 kpi enterprise architecture management

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Paper accepted at i-KNOW 2012

Text Page in Sebis Research News  last modified May 25, 2012 by Christian Neubert.    enterprise 2.0 publications article tagging 2012 tacko publication

accepted at the i-KNOW 2012 conference. In the paper, the author team Florian Matthes, Christian Neubert . /Sebis Research News/_/Paper accepted at i-KNOW 2012 Not template related Hide Hide Hide 2012,article

Fostering Collaborative and Integrated Enterprise Architecture Modeling

Publication in Sebis Public Website     emisa article 2012 publication

to the right of the text Show to the right of the text 2012,article,emisa,publication Publication

Master's Thesis Philip Achenbach

Student Project in Sebis Public Website     student project eam master's thesis 2012 masterarbeit masterthesis thesis iteratec

to the right of the text Show to the right of the text 2012,eam,iteratec,master's thesis,masterarbeit

Ma12d - Structuring Folksonomies with Implicit Tag Relations

Article in Sebis Public Website  last modified May 16, 2012 by Christian Neubert.    article 2012 publication

of the text 2012,article,publication Article Key Ma12d Title Structuring Folksonomies with Implicit 23nd ACM conference on Hypertext and hypermedia. 2012 Research project TACKO - Tag-based Context Dependent Knowledge Organisation Year 2012 Address Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA Status to appear /Sebis Public Website/_

Call for Papers - Track Enterprise Transformation auf der MKWI 2012

Text Page in Sebis Research News  last modified May 15, 2011 by Florian Matthes.    cfp mkwi 2012 enterprise transformation

Text Page 29.02.–02.03.2012 in Braunschweig Motivation Große Organisationen sind nach wie vor einem ready) 29. 02.–02. 03. 2012 MKWI 2012 in Braunschweig Einreichungen Formatvorlagen, formale 2012 unter verfügbar. Track Chairs Stephan Aier, Universität St.Gallen Florian - Track Enterprise Transformation auf der MKWI 2012 Not template related Hide Hide Hide 2012,cfp

Ha12a - Generating dynamic cross-organizational process visualizations...

Article in Sebis Public Website     article 2012 publication

Show to the right of the text Show to the right of the text 2012,article,publication Article Authors Dr. Matheus Hauder Prof. Dr. Florian Matthes Dr. Sascha Roth Dr. Christopher Schulz Year 2012 File , Architecture Modeling for Future Internet enabled Enterprise (AMFInE 2012), Valencia, Spain, 2012. Address Valencia, Spain /Sebis Public Website/_

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