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Advanced Seminar

Course in /Sebis Public Website/Teaching  last modified 48 minutes ago by Anum Afzal.    course seminar teaching sebis advanced seminar software engineering oberseminar

/Sebis Public Website/Teaching/Advanced Seminar Not template related Show above the text Hide Hide advanced seminar,course,oberseminar,sebis,seminar,software engineering,teaching Course Time Klymenko Language English Room 01.10.011 Type Seminar Lecturer Prof. Dr. Florian Matthes /Sebis Public Website/Teaching Course Content and goals In this seminar, the latest research results and current projects of our presentations Participation in the advanced seminar is obligatory for all students registered for a


Course in Sebis Public Website     course seminar key perfomance indicator softwaremetriken it teaching kpi 2011 proseminar kennzahlen metriken

,kennzahlen,key perfomance indicator,kpi,metriken,proseminar,seminar,softwaremetriken,teaching Course Level Bachelor Type Seminar Room Exam Written Language Deutsch Rhythm On demand Maximum number

Entrepreneurship for small software-oriented enterprises (Gründung und Führung kleiner softwareorientierter Unternehmen)

Course in /Sebis Public Website/Teaching     course lehrveranstaltung seminar teaching gfsu gründung

above the text Hide Hide course,gfsu,gründung,lehrveranstaltung,seminar,teaching Course Acronym GFSU . Summary Time and place: Block seminar with preliminary meeting (online) + three mandatory lecture student presentations will be held in two separate dates thereafter. For details, see "Seminar Dates and Content" below. The seminar sessions in SS24 will be onsite! Attendance is mandatory for all four before the seminar start. Exam: Intermediate and final presentation in a team (3-4 students) with

Modellierung, Simulation und Steuerung adaptiver soziotechnischer Systeme

Course in Sebis Public Website  last modified May 29, 2013 by Florian Matthes.    course seminar teaching

Show to the right of the text Show to the right of the text course,seminar,teaching Course Language erläutert werden. In diesem Zusammenhang geht das Seminar von allgemeinen modelltheoretischen Betrachtung Rhythm On demand Time Type Seminar Room Module No. IN0014 IN2107 IN8901 Contact (organization) /Sebis Public Website/_