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Software Engineering for Business Applications (SEBA Master)

Course in /Sebis Public Website/Teaching     seba course lecture teaching web applications seba master software engineering lehre web app eng master pflicht winfo master

Information Systems, M.Sc. but are not officially enrolled yet on TUMonline, please send an email to seba names and matriculation numbers of all team members to until April 15th 2024 min for presentation and discussion. Content The master course SEBA Master: Web Application .com/ „Official React Tutorial “ –, /Sebis Public Website/Teaching text Hide Hide course,lecture,lehre,master,master pflicht winfo,seba,seba master,software engineering

Software Engineering for Business Applications - Bachelor's Course (SEBA Bachelor)

Course in /Sebis Public Website/Teaching     course seba lecture teaching seba bachelor bachelor ws1213

template related Show above the text Hide Hide bachelor,course,lecture,seba,seba bachelor,teaching (organization) Juraj Vladika Acronym SEBA Bachelor Room 5620.01.101 (Hörsaal 1, "Interims I") Time Thursdays, 12:15-13:45 /Sebis Public Website/Teaching Website/Teaching/Software Engineering for Business Applications - Bachelor's Course (SEBA Bachelor) Not