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Open Position as Student Research Assistant in Agile Software Engineering and Security

Text Page in Sebis Public Website     research project studentische hilfskraft security software engineering hiwi

Neue Vorlesung im Wintersemester - Modellierung für das Internet der Zukunft

Text Page in Sebis Student News & Student Positions     teaching modellierung lehre software engineering

Sebis Presents Blockchain Study at RWTH Aachen University

Text Page in Sebis Research News     event software engineering blockchain

Praxisforum Softwareentwicklung für die Cloud 2013

Text Page in Sebis Research News  last modified Mar 20, 2013 by Florian Matthes.    workshop 2013 event cloud stuttgart software engineering

Master-Seminar - Software Engineering in International Teams

Text Page in Sebis Student News & Student Positions  last modified Aug 3, 2009 by Thomas Büchner.    project management virtual teams software engineering

Matthias Holdorf

User last modified Apr 24, 2016 by Matthias Holdorf.    software engineering

Studentische Tutoren für SEBA Bachelor gesucht (WS1920)

Text Page in Sebis Student News & Student Positions     seba bachelor tutor job lehre software engineering hiwi hiwis

Noch freie Plätze im Seminar Software engineering in international teams

Text Page in Sebis Student News & Student Positions     project management collaboration virtual groups software engineering

Open Position as Student Research Assistant in Privacy and Software Engineering

Text Page in Sebis Public Website     research project privacy studentische hilfskraft software engineering hiwi

Seminar Vorbesprechung Software engineering in international teams

Text Page in Sebis Student News & Student Positions     seminar project management international teams collaboration software engineering

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