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Dr. Christopher Schulz

Alumni in /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni  last modified Jun 25, 2018 by Manoj Mahabaleshwar.    mergers staff eam sebis schulz team acquisitions christopher

(to appear). /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni/Dr. Christopher Schulz Not template related Hide Show below the text Show below the text acquisitions,christopher,eam,mergers,schulz,sebis,staff,team .0058 Fax +49 89 289-17136 /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni

Franziska Tobisch

Team Member in /Sebis Public Website/Team     staff person sebis franziska tobisch team

/Sebis Public Website/Team/Franziska Tobisch Not template related Show to the right of the text Show below the text Hide franziska tobisch,person,sebis,staff,team Team Member E-Mail Skype Image File Secretary Twitter Position Xing /Sebis Public Website/Team Team Member Faculty of Informatics Chair of Informatics 19 Software Engineering for Business

Oliver Wardas

Team Member in /Sebis Public Website/Team     staff person mitarbeiter sebis nlp team people legaltech

... /Sebis Public Website/Team/Oliver Wardas Not template related Show to the right of the text Show below the text Hide legaltech,mitarbeiter,nlp,people,person,sebis,staff,team Team Member E-Mail Fax Xing Twitter Image File Secretary /Sebis Public Website/Team Team Member Faculty of Informatics Chair of Informatics 19 Software Engineering for Business

Prof. Dr. Florian Matthes

Team Member in /Sebis Public Website/Team  last modified May 15 by Florian Matthes.    sap curriculum vitae staff florian sebis lebenslauf team matthes photo

/Sebis Public Website/Team/Prof. Dr. Florian Matthes Not template related Show to the right of the text Hide Hide curriculum vitae,florian,lebenslauf,matthes,photo,sap,sebis,staff,team Team Member Room 01 -Mail matthes [at] Fax +49 89 289 17136 Phone +49 89 289 17132 Xing /Sebis Public Website/Team Team Member Since 2002 Florian Matthes holds the chair Software Engineering for Business

Dr. Matheus Hauder

Team Member in /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni  last modified Jun 25, 2018 by Manoj Mahabaleshwar.    staff person mitarbeiter sebis matheus hauder team

. /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni/Dr. Matheus Hauder Not template related Show to the right of the text Show below the text Hide matheus hauder,mitarbeiter,person,sebis,staff,team Team Member LinkedIn Room 01.12.057 Secretary Skype Twitter Fax +49 89 289-17136 /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni Team Member Faculty of Informatics Chair of Informatics 19 Software Engineering for Business

Phillip Schneider

Team Member in /Sebis Public Website/Team     staff sebis nlp team knowledge engineering

Website/Team/Phillip Schneider Not template related Hide Hide Hide knowledge engineering,nlp,sebis /Sebis Public Website/Team Team Member Faculty of Informatics Chair of Informatics 19 Software Engineering for Business Miniprojekte Seminar Advisor WS 20/21 Master SEBA Lab Course Lab Course Advisor /Sebis Public ,staff,team Team Member Image File Phone +49 89 289-17131 Xing Twitter Fax Secretary Position

Dr. Ivan Monahov

Team Member in /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni  last modified Jun 25, 2018 by Manoj Mahabaleshwar.    ivan eam performance indicators sebis metrics catalog monahov kpi enterprise team architecture integrated software support management

- Guided Research /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni/Dr. Ivan Monahov Not template related Show to indicators,sebis,team Team Member Secretary Twitter Xing Image Fax +49 89 289-17136 LinkedIn /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni Team Member Software Engineering of Business Information Systems Ernst Denert -ESA'14, Albi, France, 2014. 2013 [Mo13a] Monahov, I.; Schumaiev, K.; Matthes, F.: Sebis Study: Cloud

Gloria Bondel

Team Member in /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni     person mitarbeiter eam sebis team

":"Advisor","linkValue":"page/1ckkm8di86kda"}]}} $embedSearch]$ /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni/Gloria Bondel Not template related Hide Hide Hide eam,mitarbeiter,person,sebis,team Team Member Xing Room 01 .12.036 Secretary Twitter Phone Skype Image File Position Fax E-Mail LinkedIn /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni Team Member Faculty of Informatics Chair of Informatics 19 Software Engineering for Business Projects Knowledge4Retail The sebis chair is part of the project "Knowledge4Retail", which is a

Dr. Sascha Roth

Alumni in /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni  last modified Jun 25, 2018 by Manoj Mahabaleshwar.    staff eam sascha roth sebis team

Thesis Björn Kirschner Master's Thesis 2013/2014 /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni/Dr. Sascha Roth Not template related Hide Show below the text Show below the text eam,sascha roth,sebis,staff,team Phone +49 89 289-17129 E-Mail /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni

Dr. Marta Beatriz Infante Abreu

Alumni in /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni  last modified Jun 26, 2018 by Manoj Mahabaleshwar.    technology surveillance staff sebis university enviroment social software knowledge management team web 2.0 tricia

-9. /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni/Dr. Marta Beatriz Infante Abreu Not template related Hide Show below the text Show below the text knowledge management,sebis,social software,staff,team,technology Skype marta.beatriz.infante.abreu Position PhD Student /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni

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