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Bu07c - Generating Visualizations of Enterprise Architectures using...

Article in Sebis Public Website     2007 article publication

,publication Article Title Generating Visualizations of Enterprise Architectures using Model Transformation Article Abstract Giving account to the importance of enterprise architecture (EA) modeling, we the right of the text Show to the right of the text Show to the right of the text 2007,article

BM09 - Enterprise Architecture Management Patterns für zukunftsfähige...

Article in Sebis Public Website     2009 eam article publication

right of the text 2009,article,eam,publication Article Address Braunschweig Research project EAM Article /Sebis Public Website/_/BM09 - Enterprise Architecture Management Patterns für

Bu09r - How to make your enterprise architecture management endeavor fail!

Article in Sebis Public Website     2009 eam anti pattern eam article publication

,publication Article Title How to make your enterprise architecture management endeavor fail! Year 2009 Article Abstract EA management is one of the major challenges of modern enterprises. It aims at information models (I-Pattern), this article includes two anti patterns for EA management. Anti-patterns Show to the right of the text Show to the right of the text 2009,article,eam,eam anti pattern

LM05b - User-Centered Social Software - Der Wissensarbeitsplatz der Zukunft

Article in Sebis Public Website     article 2005 publication

the right of the text 2005,article,publication Article Citation Lehel, V.; Matthes, F.: User Article Abstract Der Beitrag widmet sich der Gestaltung des Wissensarbeitsplatzes der Zukunft. Es

MaSt02 - Vernetzung und Erschließung heterogener Wissensquellen durch...

Article in Sebis Public Website     article 2002 publication

right of the text Show to the right of the text Show to the right of the text 2002,article,publication Article Abstract Vor dem Hintergrund einer Darstellung der eng verzahnten Dienste des infoAsset Article Year 2002 Authors Steinfatt K. Key MaSt02 Citation Matthes, F.; Steinfatt, K.: Vernetzung

Ai11 - Towards a More Integrated EA Planning - Linking Transformation...

Article in Sebis Public Website     article 2011 publication

right of the text 2011,article,publication Article Title Towards a More Integrated EA Planning Article /Sebis Public Website/_/Ai11 - Towards a More Integrated EA Planning - Linking

Bu10i - Lightweight Approach to Enterprise Architecture Modeling and...

Article in Sebis Public Website  last modified Mar 1, 2013 by Christian Neubert.    article 2010 enterprise architecture management publication

text Show to the right of the text 2010,article,enterprise architecture management,publication Article Abstract Enterprise architecture (EA) management is a challenging task, modern enterprises Article File Bu10i.pdf Published in Electronic Proceedings of Forum of the 22nd International Conference

Bu09a - EA Management Patterns for Consolidations after Mergers

Article in Sebis Public Website     2009 eam article mergers and acquisitions eam pattern publication

,mergers and acquisitions,publication Article Published in Workshop on Patterns in Enterprise Article Abstract Mergers between enterprises or carved-out parts thereof are a common phenomenon in enterprise, reducing redundancy as far as possible. This article presents a best practice approach the text Show to the right of the text Show to the right of the text 2009,article,eam,eam pattern

Bu08f - Towards simulation-supported enterprise architecture management

Article in Sebis Public Website  last modified Jun 4, 2015 by Florian Matthes.    2008 eam article inproceedings simulation publication

,publication,simulation Article Authors Dr. Sabine Goldes (Buckl) Dr. Christian M. Schweda Prof. Dr Article Abstract Enterprise architecture management is based on a holistic view on the enterprise interacting (sub–)systems. This article identifies possible techniques to address dynamic complexity in EA text Show to the right of the text Show to the right of the text 2008,article,eam,inproceedings

LMW05b - Architekturbeschreibung von Anwendungslandschaften -...

Article in Sebis Public Website     article 2005 publication

Show to the right of the text 2005,article,publication Article Key LMW05b Address Essen Authors Dr Article Abstract Jenseits der Beschreibung einzelner Softwaresysteme gewinnt die Beschreibung von

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