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Er10 - Roadmaps for Enterprise Architecture Evolution

Publication in Sebis Public Website     eam eampc 2010 eam pattern alexander publication

text 2010,alexander,eam,eam pattern,eampc,publication Publication Citation Ernst, A.; Schneider, A Publication Abstract Managing the enterprise architecture (EA) is a major challenge of every larger , Germany Type of publication Workshop File ErnstSchneider-RoadmapsForEnterpriseArchitectureEvolution.pdf Published in Software Engineering 2010 – Workshopband Key Er10 Authors Dr. Alexander W. Schneider Dr. Alexander M. Ernst /Sebis Public Website/_

Ma12 - EAM KPI Catalog v1.0

Publication in Sebis Public Website     eam 2012 kpi alexander publication

right of the text 2012,alexander,eam,kpi,publication Publication File EAM KPI Catalog Type Technical Report Type of publication Technical Report Year 2012 Title EAM KPI Catalog v1.0 Citation Matthes Publication Abstract As a management discipline EA management aims to align business and IT, foster and contribute to the enhancement by adding further KPIs. /Sebis Public Website/_/Ma12 - EAM KPI , F., Monahov I., Schneider A., Schulz C.: EAM KPI Catalog v 1.0. Technical Report, Chair for