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Bu10s - Data Model Driven Implementation of Web Cooperation Systems with...

Article in Sebis Public Website     enterprise 2.0 mdd global software engineering data modeling web 2.0 publication article web framework e2.0 web application 2010 inproceedings software architecture domain specific language tricia

Article Abstract We present the data modeling concepts of Tricia, an opensource Java platform used the right of the text 2010,article,data modeling,domain specific language,e2.0,enterprise 2.0,global software engineering,inproceedings,mdd,publication,software architecture,tricia,web 2.0,web application,web framework Article Address Frankfurt am Main, Germany Year 2010 BibTeX-Key in Diss BMN09

Article on Data Model Driven Implementation of Web Cooperation Systems...-2

Text Page in Sebis Research News  last modified Jul 5, 2010 by Thomas Büchner.    enterprise 2.0 article web framework mdd data modeling 2010 web 2.0 publication

Text Page The article Data Model Driven Implementation of Web Cooperation Systems with Tricia has been accepted for publication at ICOODB 2010. In the article the author team (Thomas Büchner collaboration and knowledge software. /Sebis Research News/_/Article on Data Model Driven Implementation of Web Cooperation Systems...-2 Not template related Hide Hide Hide 2010,article,data modeling ,enterprise 2.0,mdd,publication,web 2.0,web framework Text Page /Sebis Research News/_