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Bu09s - Future Research Topics in Enterprise Architecture Management - A...

Article in Sebis Public Website     2009 eam article knowledge management publication

the text Show to the right of the text Show to the right of the text 2009,article,eam,knowledge management,publication Article Year 2009 File Bu09s.pdf Address Stockholm Title Future Research Topics Trends in Enterprise Architecture Research (TEAR 2009), Stockholm, p. 1-11, 2009. Research project EAMML - EAM Method Library Key Bu09s Authors Dr. Sabine Goldes (Buckl) Dr. Christian M. Schweda /Sebis Public Website/_

Bu09e - An Information Model Capturing the Managed Evolution of...

Article in Sebis Public Website     2009 project portfolio management eam article modeling inproceedings temporal modeling enterprise architecture management publication

the text 2009,article,eam,enterprise architecture management,inproceedings,modeling,project portfolio management,publication,temporal modeling Article Citation Buckl, S.; Ernst, A.; Matthes, F , Amsterdam, The Netherlands, p. 85-99, 2009. Key Bu09e File Bu09e.pdf Authors Dr. Sabine Goldes (Buckl) Dr Managed Evolution of Application Landscapes Address Amsterdam, The Netherlands Year 2009 /Sebis Public Website/_

Bu09b - Visual Roadmaps for Managed Enterprise Architecture Evolution

Article in Sebis Public Website     2009 visualization eam article inproceedings publication

2009,article,eam,inproceedings,publication,visualization Article File Bu09b.pdf Authors Dr. Sabine , Daegu, South Korea, p. 352-357, 2009. Key Bu09b Title Visual Roadmaps for Managed Enterprise Architecture Evolution Address Daegu, South Korea Year 2009 /Sebis Public Website/_

Bu09g - Constructing an Information Model for Application Landscape...

Article in Sebis Public Website  last modified Apr 3, 2012 by Sabine Goldes (Buckl).    2009 eam article modeling inproceedings publication

of the text Show to the right of the text Show to the right of the text 2009,article,eam ,inproceedings,modeling,publication Article Authors Dr. Sabine Goldes (Buckl) Dr. Alexander M. Ernst Prof. Dr Netherlands, p. 55-60, 2009. Key Bu09g Year 2009 Published in 21st International Conference on

Bu09o - Towards a Language for Enterprise Architecture Documentation and...

Article in Sebis Public Website     2009 eam article unpublished modeling publication

the text Show to the right of the text Show to the right of the text 2009,article,eam,modeling ,publication,unpublished Article Key Bu09o Published in The 4th International Workshop on Vocabularies Enterprise (VORTE 2009), Auckland, New Zealand, 2009. File Bu09o.pdf Year 2009 Address Auckland, New Zealand

Bu09q - Constructing an Enterprise-specific Radar System for Assisted...

Article in Sebis Public Website  last modified Apr 3, 2012 by Sabine Goldes (Buckl).    2009 eam article inproceedings publication

the text Show to the right of the text Show to the right of the text 2009,article,eam,inproceedings ,publication Article Address Oldenburg, Germany Title Constructing an Enterprise-specific Radar . (editors): MDD, SOA und IT-Management (MSI 2009), Workshop, Oldenburg, October 2009, GITO-Verlag , Berlin, p. 33-47, 2009. Year 2009 Key Bu09q /Sebis Public Website/_

La09 - EA Management Patterns for Smart Networks

Article in Sebis Public Website     2009 eam article eam pattern publication

the right of the text 2009,article,eam,eam pattern,publication Article Authors Armin Lau Michael Title EA Management Patterns for Smart Networks Year 2009 Key La09 Research project EAM Pattern , F.; Schweda, C. M.: EA Management Patterns for Smart Networks. In: SE 2009 – Workshopband, Workshop on Patterns in Enterprise Architecture Management (PEAM 2009), Kaiserslautern, p. 79-90, 2009

Bu09i - A Pattern-based Approach to Quantitative Enterprise Architecture...

Article in Sebis Public Website     dependency modeling 2009 eam article quantitative analysis modeling ea management eam pattern inproceedings probabilistic relational models ea analysis publication

to the right of the text 2009,article,dependency modeling,ea analysis,ea management,eam,eam pattern Goldes (Buckl) Dr. Christian M. Schweda Year 2009 Key Bu09i Research project EAM Pattern Catalog V1 ,inproceedings,modeling,probabilistic relational models,publication,quantitative analysis Article Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), San Francisco, USA, paper 318, 2009. Published in 15th

Bu09a - EA Management Patterns for Consolidations after Mergers

Article in Sebis Public Website     2009 eam article mergers and acquisitions eam pattern publication

the text Show to the right of the text Show to the right of the text 2009,article,eam,eam pattern ,mergers and acquisitions,publication Article Published in Workshop on Patterns in Enterprise Architecture Management (PEAM 2009) Year 2009 File Bu09a.pdf Key Bu09a Citation Buckl, S.; Ernst, A.; Kopper , H.; Marliani, R.; Matthes, F.; Petschownik, P.; Schweda, C. M.: EAM Pattern for Consolidations after Mergers. In: SE 2009 – Workshopband, Workshop on Patterns in Enterprise Architecture Management

Bu09l - Using Enterprise Architecture Management Patterns to complement...

Article in Sebis Public Website     2009 eam article eam pattern inproceedings publication

of the text 2009,article,eam,eam pattern,inproceedings,publication Article Authors Dr. Sabine EAM Pattern Catalog V1 (2008) Title Using Enterprise Architecture Management Patterns to complement , New Zealand, p. 34-41, 2009. File Bu09l.pdf Year 2009 /Sebis Public Website/_

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