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Guided Research Thomas Reschenhofer

Student Project in Sebis Public Website     reschenhofer guided research student project eam txl 2012 kpi language thomas

to the right of the text 2012,eam,guided research,kpi,language,reschenhofer,student project,thomas a language in a EAM tool. Finally, our language design is being evaluated by the implementation of implemented the KPIs of the EAM KPI Catalog as well as the SmartNet Navigator, computing and visualizing a . Ivan Monahov Sebis Contributor Agreement signed on Checklist filled Yes Project EAM KPI Catalog . However, to support tool-based calculation of such KPIs, a formal model-based query language is

Guided Research Erdisa Subashi

Student Project in Sebis Public Website     guided research student project eam subashi metric catalog 2012 kpi language erdisa ecore

text Show below the text Hide 2012,catalog,eam,ecore,erdisa,guided research,kpi,language,metric,student language employed for the implementation of EAM metrics has to provide. We afterwards point out which of Project EAM KPI Catalog Student Erdisa Subashi Submission date 1350597600000 /Sebis Public Website/_ transformation of organizations. As in any other management discipline, EAM applies the concept of metrics current EAM tools only offers a limited metric support, we intend to extend our java-based EAM research